English below...
Tu parles d'un vendredi 13: journée épuisante au travail et Blogspot qui déconne! Hier je n'arrivais pas à aller sur le blogue et mon nom avait été changé pour mon adresse de courriel, ce qui était déjà passablement désagréable. J'arrive ici aujourd'hui et je m'aperçois que des commentaires ont été effacés! Surtout mais pas exclusivement des commentaires anonymes et de bloguers qui ont Wordpress. Par respect pour mon lectorat, j'ai remis ceux que j'ai pu replacer.
It is Friday the 13th and it was quite appropriate for me today: I had an exhausting day at work and Blogspot is being temperamental! Yesterday I could not go on the blog and my name had been changed for my email address, which was frustrating enough. Today I come here to discover than many comments disappeared! It seems that they were mainly but not exclusively anonymous comments and some from bloggers using Wordpress. By respect for my readership, I put back those I could.
Just Do It
1 day ago
How frustrating. Grrr
I know ... I'm looking into moving to Wordpress!
I share your frustration! I as well experienced problems with my blog on the 13th! Not to mention I got pulled over by the police on my way to work for nothing....?; I was told to have a great weekend -it was the weirdest thing! I guess that I am lucky that I didn't get an imaginary speeding ticket :-) Also, I just wanted to say that I love the way you write in both English and French; my husband and I are planning a trip to France in the near future, so I have lots of studying of the French language in my future.
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