There is a tabby cat in the neighbourhood, I mentioned it before (I think it's the same anyway), he has been around lately. By the door, or nearby, he usually waits for us to show up and then he goes and rubs against us and gets very cuddly. He is not feral: he has a collar and seems very well fed. But today he seemed eager not only for us to stay with him, but to follow us into the block. It was a strange sight: every time I was getting up and moving towards the door he was making big predattorial strides and blocking the way, then purring and rubbing against me. I think he would have got into the flat had we let him.
I felt guilty all evening for not letting him in, but I couldn't: we cannot accomodate a cat and we don't have the right to own pets here. And his owner might be one of our neighbours on the ground floor. I said owner, but this cat I am sure, like other felines, own humans really. I said in my post last year that I wanted to adopt him if I could. I said the same thing today and yesterday, but I think it would be the other way around: he was ready to adopt us and take over our place. And like a sucker I came this close to let him in. I came back to my senses, but I thought a lot about that tin of tuna in the cupboard. With milk, that was the only thing I could have offered him.
This Should Work
3 days ago
Nourris un chien pendant trois jours, il ne t'oubliera pas pendant trois ans. Nourris un chat pendant trois ans, il t'oubliera après trois jours.
Anyway, il y a au moins un chat qui passe régulièrement dans ma cours à la recherche de souris (et il y en a...). Mais l'autre soir, c'était un autre chat que j'ai vu dehors, et voyant que je le regardais, il s'est approché de la porte patio comme pour me demander de le laisser rentrer. Il ne s'est sauvé qu'au moment ou ma femme est rentrée du travail en voiture...
Thank you for commenting back to me, I am new to blogging, as you surely can tell by my limited posts :-). I was browsing through blogs and came across yours and thought it to be interesting, so now I am a follower. Also, I will definitely post more on Poppins, thank you for the encouragement! I am hoping to post a video montage, so be on the look out, Cheers!
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