Thursday, 19 March 2020

Bagels for the hard times ahead

I learned some great news from the Facebook page of St-Viateur Bagel. Not for me as I am far away, but for my fellow Montrealers. Just learning about it cheered me up a bit. Anyway, the St-Viateur shops are still open and they will serve their customers, respecting of course all necessary safety procedures. With a steady and fresh supply of bagels, Montrealers and other Quebeckers (because they also supply grocers) are safe from famine. I know for sure that with a diet of bagels with peanut butter for breakfast, bagels with cream cheese, tomatoes, onions, capers, smoked salmon and a dash of lemon juice for the other meals, washed down with some Griffon Red Ale, I could get through any quarantine. Shame we don't live in Montreal.

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