This is another post on seasonal changes. Autumn is definitely at the door, I witnessed it this evening, when I looked outside: at 8:00PM it was still sunny a week ago, yet the shadows were growing longer and longer. What made it more striking is that unlike last year the temperature was quite chilly (as it has been these last few days). The evening falling, mixed with the less than summery weather, made me feel like in autumn.
I consider that autumn starts with the month of September, not on the 21st. It appears that it came earlier this year, or at least it is giving a foretaste of things to come. I will spend some time tomorrow moving clothes from the shelves. One has to be prepared.
We The People
1 week ago
Plus tu te rapproches de l'équinoxe, plus le changement de la durée du jour s'effectue rapidement. Ça devient très apparent à partir de la mi-août pour l'arrivée de l'automne. On a eu des températures plutôt saisonnières ici, alors jusqu'à maintenant, ça augure bien pour la saison de la chasse...
Funny....I thought the falling shadows at the end of today here seemed 'Fallish' in nature too! It feels like the angle of the sun is beginning to change. Come on Fall!
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