I was struggling about finding a topic for this post. It happens sometimes. I try to make an evocation my muse, but I haven't found a muse for bloggers yet (one of my favourite posts, which got unnoticed then). I just got out of the shower where I thought: well, maybe it's time again to blog about... blogging and inspiration and so on.
So yes, I find inspiration in the shower sometimes, which is not particularly original. I once read about an inventor who had requested to get a shower in his office, because this is where he found his ideas. I usually find mine looking through the window, which sounds more romantic than it is: I end up blogging about the weather or the season, which is just as banal as I can get. Browsing the internet also brings some interesting inspiration, but I try to stay away from the cyberspace when I want to write something in cyberspace.
But now I wonder where my fellow bloggers (and the artists who read this blog) find their inspiration.
Just Do It
1 day ago
Dans la vie quotidienne, histoire de se désennuyer un peu. C'est mieux que de bousculer les roses. Cela dit, malgré les rêves bizarres que j'ai eu ces derniers temps, il faut absolument que j'écrive quelques unes des visions envoyées par Hypnos (ou Morphée). Ces trucs vont finir par me hanter si je ne les mets pas sur papier (serait-il virtuel) un de ces quatres, au moins le synopsis qui m'en reste au réveil, ou au coucher...
I find inpiration in reading other blogs, in fact, one of your posts about being in the country inspired my post about orchards, cheers!
@PJ-Essaie de transformer tes rêves en histoires d'horreur. Ca a marché pour Robert Louis Stevenson et Mary Shelley.
@Peeking through an open window-Thank, you this is very nice!
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