Warning: this is another post about the weather and the seasons, I'm afraid. I am such a fool sometimes: this morning I thought that because the maximum might be 22, that I would be okay with a t-shirt and my good old coat. Mistake. it was cloudy, rainy and I felt cold all day. It didn't look or feel like the last days of summer but rather a cold, borderline nasty autumn day. I am not complaining, I do like colder weather (I grew up in it) but I blame myself for not using my commonsense. I will not repeat this mistake again.
I guess this is the consequence of the schizophrenic summer we had. The shelves in my cupboards are a result of this: I usually change their content dramatically at some point in May or June, then September: putting the winter clothes away and the summer ones out, and vice versa. This year, both the warm (or at least warmish) clothes and light ones are all piled over each other. Since the week looks like it is going to be miserable like this, I will probably keep my warm clothes at hand for now on. Then I can actually enjoy the temperature.
Just Do It
1 day ago
It's Mother nature's way of reminding us that she is in charge, and we are at her complete, and utter mercy. I have a cousin going to Russia next week, and it was just recently 29 celsius! So she must pack for high summer, and autumn. No travelling light for her I'm afraid:-) us that she is in charge, and we are at her complete, and utter mercy. I have a cousin going to Russia next week, and it was just recently 29 celsius! So she must pack for high summer, and autumn. No travelling light for her I'm afraid:-)
Ahhh....a hint of something even remotely 'Autmnish' would be nice right about now! I've been dealing with lots of issues 'heat' related here lately, and I'm frankly sick of it! I want some cooler breezes to come blowing in. Of course NOT breezes of the 'Hurricane' variety which it looks like we're going to get now....ugh!
I also just heard a meteorologist yesterday, talking about how all these crazy weather happenings are VERY 'cyclical' in nature and are NOT something new to the world. In fact, he said that this year's weather events have almost mirrored exactly, a year in the 1950's (can't remember which exact year he said). But he said that people like to be all alarmed and worried about weather events as if they are something new...but in fact, they are TOTALLY repeatable events that happen throughout history. I thought his was a nice rational view for a change....ha!
We have had a cool summer up here in the Pacific Northwest....but with the record temps in the lower part of the country....I am not going to complain.
Hope you get a bit of summer soon.
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