I had promised to Wolfie that yesterday evening, we would start carving the pumpkins. When the time came, I was tired and was wondering if we could not postpone it. Of course, this did not do at all and Wolfie was adamant that we started working on the jack o'lanterns. But there was a good reasn to start early, as this year we have more to do: instead of the usual three pumpkins, we have... six. Don't ask me how we got there, I am still trying to figure it all. That said, Wolfie was very hardworking: he chose the designs himself and did a lot of the emptying. So this is our first jack o'lantern anyway. We carved two last night, so today we have "only" four to go. I will try to show each and everyone of them.
We The People
1 week ago
SIX! You'll be sick of pumpkin guts by the time you're done! The first one is marvelous!
Good for Wolfie helping with the cleaning - I have known a lot of youngster who balk at this task.
We cleaned out 14 pumpkins 2 days ago and carved them into jack-o-lanterns last night and our hands, wrists, and arms are feeling it today! Many years ago we carved 36 for one Halloween, but as we're getting older and as our haunt at our current house fills out with more props, we can start cutting back on the number of jack-o-lanterns. We're thinking that 8 or 10 pumpkins for next year should suffice.
Adorable!!! love seeing Wolfie's excitement... good luck with the next 4
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