Sunday 4 March 2018

Darjeeling and Earl Grey mix

The teas from Tea Pigs are fairly popular in the region where we are, as an upmarket brand of tea. I don't often think of buying them, but I enjoy them from time to time. Last week, we went to a tea room in a nearby town, and they had their products, including a Darjeeling and Earl Grey mix. It was delicious, a delicate tea with just enough caffeine to give the bit of extra energy to keep you alert for the rest of an afternoon. After this discovery, I think I should explore the products of this brand a bit more.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I would never have thought to blend those two types of teas!

PJ said...

Les poches de thé sont contre ma religion. Mais bon, il faudrait bien finir celles qui me restent.