Wednesday 3 December 2014

An English winter

This picture was taken two weeks ago at a Christmas concert, in the restaurant facing the main street. I blogged about it here. And yes, it is very similar to the first picture: I took it seconds later. it is the picture of an English town in winter, in the weeks before Christmas. And you see the big absence: the snow. I am writing this, because now winter is very much here: it is cold and grey, I am wearing warm clothes for the first time in months, it even smells cold. However, it is an English winter. So the snow is optional.

That said, I am of two mind about snow in an English winter. I fear it, since that fateful winter in 2010. However beautiful, people simply don't deal with it very well. Since then, I made my peace with English winters, however grey and dreary they may look like. I feel the cold, there are the Christmas lights to give this town a bit of color and atmosphere.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

that is the most beautiful view!

Nellie said...

It looks festive! We rarely have a cold winter here, let alone snow. Last winter was an exception.

Guillaume said...

Thank you!