Wednesday 1 April 2015

"Blood for Baal! Blood for Baal!"

Does anyone know where I got the quote I used for this post's title from? Today, in case nobody's noticed, is April Fool's Day. Also incidentally the first day of April, but nobody cares about it. I associate the day a lot with an episode of the season 4 of The Simpsons, called So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show. For a clip show, it was actually brilliant. It was also set on April Fool's Day and after. At the beginning of the episode, Lisa explains the origins of the day, saying it came from Pagans. Cut to a flashbacks of the family, as primitives, dancing around an idol and chanting... Yes, "Blood for Baal! Blood for Baal!" If you are in the US, you can see the clip here. If not, you can read the story here. I am sorry I could not find a video to go with this post. For some reasons I have not quite grasped, I found this bit absolutely hilarious and it never fails to crack me up. Something about seeing America's most famous and most loved middle class family worshiping the god/demon Baal. It doesn't get any funnier than this.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I remember that show, but not that particular bit in the show. So maybe I don't remember the show that well after all.

Guillaume said...

It was back when The Simpsons were truly unique and genius.

Unknown said...

The clip is genius.

And now I will have to use the "Blood for Ball" reference somewhere...

Unknown said...

[EDIT: "Ball" = "Baal" when I'm typing too fast... "Blood for Ball" would be something else entirely...]