Well, I just thought I'd mention it. Not to be smug or anything, but I won at
Scrabble. No small feat for me: English is not my first language and I arrived late in the game. The funniest thing is: I loathe Scrabble, usually. I find it dumb. A game when the meaning or understanding of the words have no importance, but simply the capacity to get the maximum points from a bunch of letters. Think about it, Scrabble is the linguist's nightmare, the lobotomized, braindead version of its science, turned into rigor mortis. If you are cunning and devious enough, you can win by bluffing words. Which ironically I didn't do. I just got the right letters. So anyway, I signaled to my wife: "
I arrived late in a non-competitive game of Scrabble, English is a second language to me, I hate this game, yet I won." Not gloating or anything, as I said. Yet I think it deserves to be a great unknown line. Just because. Victory is all the sweeter as I do not give it any importance.
boast away, a victory well earned!
You're not fooling anyone. You're gloating! But you deserve to.
Scrabble, ça prend de la stratégie d'abord et du vocabulaire ensuite. C'est pas mal plus tough de jouer contre un matheux que contre un lettré.
In this non-competitive game, you didn't have a hand of only vowels including 5 'i's!
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