I am plugging another anthology of horror stories which I have not completely read:
The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories. I had mentioned it before,
two years ago to be precise, when I had borrowed it from the library. So far my favourite anthology of ghost stories is
The Oxford Book of Ghost Stories, but this might change when I read this one back to back. I found the stories I read interesting and scary enough to purchase it. And there is already a
Penguin anthology of horror stories which I absolutely love. Of course buying anthologies like this means that I find in them stories I found in others (
Oh Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad, for instance), but I find enough unread text to make it worth a purchase. And knowing I already read some stories means I am getting closer to maybe not a specialist, but a connoisseur. In any case, I know from reading it that there are enough good stories in there, so I can safely recommend it. Be warned however that some Victorian stories have a very Christmas feel (as ghost stories were written for Christmas). And one last thing: look at the cover! I mean look at it. One cannot judge a book by its cover, of course, but this is a great cover all the same.
LOVE the cover! Truly a fantastic shot
It is just great isn't it? Simple but so effective.
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