This is a quick countdown to Halloween post. I need no picture this time, I am sharing a memory, please feel free to share yours on the comments, or on your own blog(s). So yes, I was re-reading old posts of mine, including one where
I asked my francophone readers what are her most vivid memories of Halloween. My brother
PJ mentioned a snowy Halloween night when he fell on his back, his second snowy Halloween. "
I don't remember my first, but I remember this one was not my first." I think this line is good enough to be homologued as a
great unknown line. I do not remember the fall, but I do remember the snow. I was 11 at that time, it had been a cold October and it ended up looking more like winter than autumn. We did trick or treat in a few inches of snow. White Halloween nights are rare, but they are striking. This one was the coldest, snowiest I remember. I do prefer it without snow, but I still love my Halloween cold, therefore I prefer it a snowy Halloween to one that is too mild. So what are your Halloween memories?
I remember many cold Halloween nights but only one with snow. It was quite a storm and getting worse as the school bus took us home. We were determined to go out no matter the weather. But then there was a radio announcement. Halloween had been postponed due to weather until the following night. It's odd. My memory is much like in old films, in which the radio is switched on and the report is heard immediately. :O)
I lived in balmy California, so we never really had cold Octobers.
What we did have, was an annual wind-storm about a week before Hallowe'en. Many fallen tree limbs.
Of course, we always seemed to have a Hallowe'en natural disaster. The fire in the Oakland hills, one year. I distinctly remember the big Loma Prieta earthquake in '89. I think my Dad and I may have been putting up decorations when it happened. I remember running along the side of the house as everything started to shake.
Having to wear my winter coat and boots under my costume, thanks mom!
I remember crisp Halloween nights as my dad walked my sister and I around the rural country lake we grew up on. The roads always seemed deserted probably because some people went into the small town to trick or treat..or perhaps they were being driven from place to place. Tempatures would get down to just below frost. I remember the moon full and orange one eve as my dad proceeded to scare my sister and I as we walked by the summer camp gates....that is Crystal Lake Camp...and this was right around the time the first Friday the 13th had come out.
Well it doesn't get too cold here in FL either. But 'most' of the time, it does end up being fairly cool on All Hallow's Eve which I greatly appreciate. My favorite Halloweens are the ones that fall during a Full magical! :o)
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