It's Sautrday and I woke up at... 8:30. Unable to sleep more. I had a late night yesterday as it was Friday. I went to bed exhausted and fell asleep quickly, but still woke up only marginally later than on week days. And my problem is that I did go to bed later all week. It takes me a while to sleep every night, I am not eager to go to bed when I feel that the evening went too fast and I haven't read enough, blog enough, done anything enough. So I stay up a few more minutes, until I overdo it. Then I cannot find rest for a long while.
I think it is because I am a night owl at heart and I have a tendency to return to that state at the earliest occasion. On holidays of course, but also on weekends. But now my nature has taken over the week nights, so to speak. So far it has been okay and I did not notice a difference at work, for instance: I do not feel exhausted, not more than I usually do anyway. Still, I'd like to feel rested sometimes.
We The People
4 weeks ago
Moi, c'est l'inverse. Même si je voudrais rester éveillé tard, ces temps-ci je m'endors tôt. Je me lève tôt itou, 5 ou 6 heures du matin en semaine. 7 heures la fin de semaine, 8 heures c'est de la grâce matinée...
The Curse of the Night Owl...sounds like a great ghost story read. I know Halloween has passed, but the flavour still lingers...
Je me couche modérément tard et ensuite je me réveille super tard ce qui me gâche complétement mes journée et en plus je ne suis même pas reposée!
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