Tuesday 6 June 2023

Where to find Komodo Dragons

 You may remember from this post that I have a certain interest for Komodo dragons.I find these big, venomous lizards fascinating. Well, I learned to my surprise that you can find them in capativity here in England and not too far from where we live. A friend of mine recently posted on Facebook pictures he took from his visit to Crocodiles Of The World, a zoo specialised in, well, big lizards. And lo and behold, among them was a picture of a Komodo dragon. In fact, they have a whole Komodo Dragon Experience. I just can't believe it. Not on our doorstep, but pretty close. Real Komodo dragons. We might not plan our visit very soon, our next weekends will be pretty busy, but it is good to know that we have another zoo to go and thatit would be a completely new experience. With Komodo dragons. I still cannot believe it.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You MUST go! And take photos!