Can you keep a secret? Well, I hope you do. Because this post is for your eyes only. We went to Wolfie's school fayre yesterday. It was too hot, but otherwise pleasant. Anyway, I digress. Of course at such fayres, there's lots ofthings to buy, including books and games and Wolfie had his eye set on a number of toys and games, including this one. Actually, it is not a game, it is a briefcase. At £9.99, three for the price of two, it was not a bargain, but almost. So since we got back home, Wolfie has been training to become a secret agent for the Global Intelligence Organisation, or GIO. Just don't tell anyone. He is very good and has been learning to crack secret codes, read and write secret messages, tail someone, hide in plain sight, conceal his identity, be aware of his environment. Also, he's been told to eat plenty of fruits and vegs and drink lors of water, because an agent has to be in top shape. So all very sensible instructions really. Secret agent is a healthy profession, who knew. His adversary and the GIO's main target if Stealth, a criminal organisation that wants to rule the world. Does it remind you of anything? Anyway, we're working on top secret stuff now and I will try if I am authorised to keep you informed, as long as the Official Secrets Act allows me. Do I sound enthusiastic? Because I am.
We The People
1 week ago
Your secret is safe with me. Have fun!
I notice how you managed to sneak the fruit and veg into the list of qualifications. Well played.
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