I hate to spoil it for you, but unfortunately the title of my post says it all. There's
been suspected cases of Black Death both in Mongolia and Colorado. A squirrel tested positive in the US and in Mongolia a boy died of the plague after eating a... groundhog. A stupide groundhog. As if we didn't have enough of COVID-19, we might also end up having the freaking bubonic plague if we are not careful enough. Which is far deadlier and far more contagious than the current disease we are facing. Just what we needed.
well, if left up to trump, it will be here in no time at all. i think we should drop him in a major city with no protection and see how he acts. i wonder how long he can hold his breath?
Plague has been in Colorado for a long time. It regularly wipes out whole prairie dog colonies. I don't think know if any humans have died but open spaces and parks are often closed as a result of infected rodents.
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