Friday 5 July 2019

Food festival (and a gyros)

I blogged last year about the local food festival, with stands serving various world food, some exotic, some less so. It is a world food festival. It was a huge success, so much in fact that they have decided to do it again this year. It started tonight, but we will go tomorrow and maybe Sunday as well. Last year, I had (among other things) this delicious gyros. Or at least I think it was a gyros, it was Greek in any case. Not sure what makes a proper gyros, but this one was filling and I hadn't had a gyros (or anything resembling one) in years. I haven't had one since. So tomorrow I might go Greek, or I might go for something more unusual and exotic. I will of course keep you posted about my gastronomic discoveries, or rediscoveries.

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