Thursday 7 May 2015

The fruit baskets at work

I blogged before about the baskets of fruits we receive at work. I said back then that the fruit baskets were there some Tuesdays. Well, apparently it can be any day of the week: they were there Wednesday this week. The fruits go really quickly. Yesterday, I took the time to take this picture before my scavenging colleagues and myself emptied the baskets. This is actually a still life. You see bananas, satsumas (I think it's satsumas), apples and pears. The pears were green, but surprisingly they were ripe. And juicy. It was a nice contrast from last time, when the pears were kind of raw and I crunched them like an apple. I have usually a banana and a pear. I love the days of the fruit baskets, but I wish they could be delivered weekly, on a specific day.


Nellie said...

What an amazing treat!

Gwen Buchanan said...

What a great way to treat employees!

Craig said...

An excellent idea... much healthier than bringing in pastries etc. Your employer is clearly forward thinking.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Clearly you are a man who likes a schedule.