Yesterday, my wife and I went to see Anything Goes, the Cole Porter musical. I blogged about it here. It was an enjoyable experience, although maybe not as good as I thought it would be. There are many catchy songs and of course very famous ones, but it is a very dated story. A musical from the 1930s means 1930s humour and 1930s clichés. People laughed though, and so did I. The cast was enthusiastic and energetic, so overall, it was great fun. If only for the catchy tunes, which are now far more famous than the musical and can hold themselves very well by themselves. So I thought I'd upload one of them, You're the Top. I first heard it in a Heinz ketchup advert. Like it, the song goes with everything. So enjoy some carefree 30s music.
Just Do It
2 days ago
Honnêtement, les comédies musicales, c'est pas mon fort, et encore moins celles qui sont une excuse pour enfiler des tubes. Qu'ils fassent un concert des chansons de Cole Porter, pas une mise en scène inutile pour attirer le peuple.
En fait c'est une oeuvre originale de Cole Porter, mais les chansons les plus célèbres de la comédie musicale sont maintenant beaucoup plus connues qu'elles.
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