Thursday 20 March 2014

Spring Equinox

I had not noticed it, but today's Google Doodle reminded me: we are the Spring Equinox, the official beginning of Spring. Good to know we can trust Google for these kinds of things. It was not a beautiful day of Spring. Forget about blossoming flowers and warm sun, it was cloudy, ominous clouds that were announcing rain, which finally arrived in the evening. There was also a cool breeze too. March is a treacherous month, so I was expecting it. It was, in a way, a typical Spring day: nasty weather and dark day. Springtime is rarely idyllic. Not until May anyway. If we are lucky. That said, the equinox is for me more or less a non-event, as I consider the season starting with the month, not when daytime is about to get longer than nighttime. And you, does the equinox mean anything to you?


PJ said...

Je préfère l'expression "équinoxe vernal", ç'a tellement plus de classe. Pour oublier la sloche.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

actually i view the spring equinox as the beginning of my countdown to fall. i could probably get stoned for saying this right now!