Well, I'll be damned, did I say when I read it. Yesterday, I did one of those silly online questionnaires from buzzfeed I found on Facebook,
about which US president I was. I did it dreading I would get Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush. Surprisingly enough, it was a Republican,
Ulysses S. Grant. The hero of the American Civil War. I guess it is not bad after all, back in the days when the GOP stood for something I'd be proud to stand for. Here is what it says about my alter ego anyway: "
You have a rough exterior but deep down you're forgiving and kind. You are also highly moral. You're thoughtful and can see how your actions have an impact on the larger scale. But the hope is that you're not smoking an average of 20 cigars a day." Long story short: no I don't smoke cigar at all, and the rest, however flattering, is pure hogwash too. Rough exterior? Highly moral? Well, I guess that one might be true, although I doubt I had the same values as a man of this time. However, I see one thing in common: if I grow a beard, it does have an uncanny resemblance to his...
hi, its me, Laurie from I love a cloudy day, I'm using a special computer program for the visually impaired so I had to start new, but I kept the name, almost,
I still learning my way, thank you so much for visiting, I will join to follow you again because I lost all my friends lists, new start, new blog, thats why you couldn't fin d me,
Thank you for commenting, and I am glad you are back in the blogosphere!
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