I had a fairly busy day today, as I usually have every Monday. Not frantic, just busy. Unlike the last few weeks, it was hot and summery, it actually looked and felt like July. And spending time inside, keeping busy, it just struck me: Mondays are worse when it is nice and hot outside. When I walked home from the train station, traffic was jammed everywhere in the narrow streets, which is always the case here during peak time, but always surprises me nevertheless. I live in a small town, it should be quieter.
So today I did not want to work, I wanted to waste my time. I wanted to be out, sit in a park and read, or sing something, or even work outside. I miss being creative I guess. Artists, whatever their particular trade, can work outside pretty well. Sadly, I cannot just take my computer out of the office and receive phone calls in the nearest park. It wouldn't be very creative, but I would enjoy the temperature. Maybe I would not get much, if any, work done. But that is maybe the nature of the beast. I envy artists for this: doing nothing, wasting time is probably part of the creative process. And I don't say this to be dismissive, I strongly admire artists, I am sometimes an artist myself and I think it matters to be be inactive sometimes. I certainly needed it today.
We The People
4 weeks ago
I am quite happy to have the chance to be able to walk to the Tuileries during my lunch break and read for a while, I guess that's not like spending the day outside but it helps ;)
Ah, le spam... Moi, j'irais faire un peu de ménage dans les commentaires, détruire ce genre de connerie. C'est une façon un peu utile de perdre son temps.
Well, as an artist...I only wish I had time to waste. I constantly feel that I have SO MUCH I want to do, SO MANY ideas swimming around in my brain and never enough time and man power to bring them all to fruition. This only serves to keep me somewhat frustrated. Then again...'wasting time' is a subjective term/action anyway. So what one may consider a waste of time, another may consider it full on work...who knows! But being outdoors only works for me if I'm photographing. And then it becomes work again. Aaaarrgghh! Hope you find some time to waste!
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