My readers will notice that I blog a lot about gardens recently (here and here to be more precise). It is probably a mere coincidence, or I just get into one of those blogging moods. This picture was taken in the Keswick Museum. I make any excuse to put more pictures from there. I have never seen a hedgehog in the garden of our block, but it is one of the animals that I discovered here in back gardens and which I consider (rightly so) quintessentially British. When I first arrived here, I was amazed about the wild life I could see on the lawn of the halls of residence where I was living: foxes, hedgehogs and magpies essentially. In Quebec we have mice, rats and squirrels. The squirrels can be fun too, but I find hedgehogs more exotic.
Of course what are most common in the garden here are birds and then cats, either wild asocial ones or domestified, friendly ones. No later than yesterday evening, the tabby cat showed up for some cuddles. I find fascinating that in an urban area (although the town where I live is quite small) there is so much wildlife, so close to us. I feel British wildlife much closer than I ever felt Québec wildlife. Autumnwatch also made me more conscious about it.
We The People
4 weeks ago
Tu oublies les suisses (tamias rayés. chipmunks en anglais) ainsi que les marmottes (groundhogs). Il y en a à Chicoutimi comme à Gatineau. J'ai pas encore vu de chevreuil dans ma cour remarque, et ça pourrait peut-être arriver...
Il ne faut pas non plus oublier les ratons-laveurs (raccoons) ainsi que les moufettes (skunks), mais ceux-là, particuilèrement les dernières on ne veut pas les voir, et surtout pas les sentir (bien que c'est comme ça qu'on remarque leur présence).
Les moufettes vaut mieux essayer de les oublier. Quant aux autres, c'est vrai, je les oubliais, mais ce qui est familier est moins mémorable.
I'm kind of surprised by that too. Usually animals avoid heavily populated areas. And that hedgehog is SO stinkin' cute. Not sure that I've ever seen a real one before, now that I think about it.
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