Little Wolfie always needs new clothes, it is as if he is eating them. So sometimes, when I stop at the
Morrisons near my working place, I go quickly to the children section and see what I can find. Which is generally not much. But yesterday, I found a tshirt that was reduced by 50%, at £2.50 only, which is in itself a real bargain and a good enough reason to purchase it. But I chose this tshirt in particular because of what it had on it: in capital letters, the word ROAR. And this is so like my son that I had to buy it. One of his favourite games with me is hide on say one side of his cot or a table, and me jumping at home going "roar!" like some wild beast or some monster. He laughs so hard and then he say... "roar!" So he was meant to wear that shirt. I might actually buy a second one.
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