Monday 28 January 2013

I missed Mozart's birthday

Well, I did not miss it completely, as I remembered it at the end of the day yesterday. But I did not blog about it until tonight. Last time I blogged about Mozart and uploaded his music here on Vraie Fiction was a very long time ago, so it is about time I add some. I tried to find something I had not uploaded yet. I hope nobody minds if it is more opera. An aria I sang myself, here interpreted bu Erwin Schrott. it is Se vuol ballare from Le Nozze di Figaro.I know Mozart wrote so much more, but I truly discovered him through opera and it is by far this part of his work that I love most.


Rachel Lucas said...

Ah Guillaume...I kne I could rely on you to come up with a Happy Birthday post, even if he is now 257 years & 1 day, technically! Mentioned in my post yesterday, of course! Love Mr Schrott as of the best. I was lucky enough to see him sing Don Giovanni at the NY Metva few years ago. Amazing. Xx

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, you know what they say: a day without Mozart is like a day without sunshine.

Gwen Buchanan said...

More importantly , Never miss your wife's birthday.