Thursday 19 June 2008

A long but fruitful evening

I am sorry, I will not have time to comment on Elizabeth: The Golden Age and about how great an actress Cate Blanchett is, as my wife and I spent the evening working out our holidays. It's very exciting, but exhausting. We never had time for a honeymoon since we got married, it will hardly be as long as a honeymoon, but it will give us some free time until we go for a real exotic holiday (and finally get that honeymoon). At least we will celebrate our wedding anniversary abroad. Now I just need a job to be completely happy.


PJ said...

Z'êtes-tu encore pognés à Marlow ou avez-vous (ou allez-vous) déménagé (er) depuis (ou d'ici) peu?

Guillaume said...

On magasine pour les apparts, mais on prend notre temps.

holly wynne said...

This made me think of you:

Guillaume said...

Holly, you are right, Cate Blanchett has a feline face.