We are approaching the end of August. It is a month I have ambivalent feelings about: it often gives me blues. But it is also the month named after Emperor Augustus. And I admire Augustus, although more for the fictitious portrayal of various pieces of fiction than . So I decided, to pay homage to the man, to upload a video from the miniseries Rome on Vraie Fiction. This is the scene where then Octavian Caesar (played by Simon Woods) becomes consul, shows himself as a ruthless man, yet a true leader. History makes powerful drama and great TV moments.
Just Do It
2 days ago
De la façon dont tu en parles, c'est aussi le mois d'angustus, pour ne pas dire d'angustia...
De peur de passer pour un épais, je la comprends pas.
Angustia (latin): resserrement, anxiété, angoisse.
Angustus (latin): De courte durée, bref, maigre, sec.
Comme tu parles toujours du mois d'août comme un mois nostalgique, qui donne les bleus...
...t'es pas épais, bien au contraire.
Yves (à te lire)
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