Tuesday, 31 December 2024

First Class Tea Mug

 Okay, this is one of the very last time I will blog about Christmas until next year. And this may be my last post of the year too. I had to share another great present that my wife got from the online shop of the National Railway Museum in York. Not directly related to trains, but sort of. This tea mug. My new favourite tea mug and one I may say is very much me. I like to consider myself a first class tea maker. And, for the record, any use of milk with tea is improper milk usage.

Festin des Fêtes

 Ma mère m'a envoyé une photo prise dans la résidence de ma tante. C'est une représentation d'un festin des Fêtes, fait par des étudiants du secondaire, je crois. Vraiment bien. Ca me rappelle les repas de Noël, mais aussi et surtout du Jour de l'An (du côté de mon père). Le buffet que l'on servait au Jour de l'An ressemblait beaucoup à ça.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Gifts from the National Railway Museum

You may remember that I blogged about the stuff  the National Railway Museum in York sold for Christmas. Well, I got spoiled this year by Santa, or rather Mrs Claus (AKA my wife). This Christmas has been for me very much train themed. I mean, even more than usual, at least when it comes to presents: I got the NRM's Christmas jumper, Christmas scarf and Christmas socks, as well as some other train related but not Christmas related items, which I will blog about in the coming days. I have been wearing the jumper since the 25th and my only regret is that I will soon have to put it in a drawer until next December. But I finally have a proper Christmas jumper.

Analyser Mafalda

 Vous savez que je suis un fan de Mafalda. Je n'ai toujours pas les albums ici, hélas, mais j'ai reçu ceci pour Noël: un livre qui examine son histoire et son influence. Traduit de l'espagnol en anglais. Ce qui est assez ironique, puisqu'elle n'est pas si tant populaire dans le monde anglophone, en tout cas pas autant que dans les pays de langues latines. Mais enfin bref, ça me rappellera mes belles années d'universitaire. Et puis un livre sur Mafalda (ou de Mafalda) comme cadeau de Noël, c'est vraiment approprié, puisque je l'ai d'abord connue grâce à Ciné-cadeau.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Post-Christmas Blues (sort of)

 Well, it is this time of year, but it arrived a tad later this year and it is far less painful than usual, for some reason. I will dwell on it a bit more, but anyway, here it is: the post-Christmas blues. However, it isn't too bad this year. Because I still have a few days of holidays, for one, and because I am enjoying my time off doing very little except reading and watching television. I needed a long break and I can live without the excitement (and following exhaustion) that the days leading to Christmas bring. I am not a big fan of new year's celebrations, soI am happy living in limbo until then. Still, the big days of Christmas are over for me, I have stopped listening to Christmas music, so technically it is post-Christmas blues.


 Photo prise par mon père il y a quelques jours...

Friday, 27 December 2024

Action Man Freeze Force

Who likes Action Men? I do. I have been wanting to expand my collection (of one) and my wish has been answered. I got this Action Man Freeze Force among the presents I received for Christmas, from my wife and my son. And what better time to receive an action figure using ski and meant to operate in a wintery environment than Christmas? 'Tis the season to be playing, especially in the bleak midwinter. I love everything about it: the look, the equipment and the gaming possibilities.

Un arbre enneigé

Mon frère PJ a pris cette photo hier. Content de voir que décembre est hivernal quelque part dans le monde.

New Lego train station

For Christmas, Wolfie took to heart my love of everything trains related. He decided to give me a special present built by him: this train station made of Lego pieces. I don't know how my wife managed to wrap it and keep it in one piece, but it looks absolutely lovely andit might be the best present I had this year. Okay, so we might not have the fancy Christmas village and train set my parents have, but my son sure put his heart into it all the same. This is truly a labour of love.

La dinde du réveillon

 Mon frère PJ a partagé une photo de la dinde qu'ils ont mangée lors du réveillon (et qu'ils mangeront sans doute quelques jours, vu sa taille). Ma femme serait choquée si on y avait été, parce qu'elle est végétarienne. Mais ça a l'air bon...

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Good King Wenceslas

Because it is Saint Stephen's Day today, I am sharing Good King Wencesla. It's a blog's tradition.

Le calme après Noël

 Bon, Noël est terminé, même si les Fêtes continuent. Je devrais me sentir mélancolique, mais je ne le suis pas encore. Je crois que je commence à apprécier à nouveau le temps juste après Noël, celui avant le Jour de l'An. Cette année, ce sera une période de calme. Je suis assez porté sur la mélancolie de nature, donc il m'arrive de l'apprécier. En fait, c'est le cas surtout quand je suis au Québec, j'aime bien la période post 25 décembre, quand je peux passer mes journées à lire et à regarder et sentir le sapin de Noël. Et à profiter de l'hiver, donc de la neige (pas ici, bien entendu). Après les excès et les réjouissances, ça fait du bien de passer du temps tranquille.

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Christmas Night Train

 First: Merry Christmas everyone. I am sharing today a picture taken by my brother PJ of the family's Christmas at night, with the train running at night. It's just so magical. I promised Wolfie we will be there next year.

Noël Blanc

 Tout d'abord: joyeux Noël à tous et toutes. Je voulais aussi partager une des photos que mon père m'a envoyées hier. Ils ont un Noël blanc. Les chanceux.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Model Trains And Christmas (a brief history)

This YouTube video is about a year old, but I only found it yesterday. It is about the history of model trains and Christmas. It's a big part of my own family history and our LGB train (sadly LGB isn't mentioned in this video) is by far the greatest Christmas present my brothers and I ever received. We are now three generations of boys in it. I say boys, because when it comes to trains, we never really grew up. (And the outnumbered women in the family never really understood our fascination for it). Be that as it may, I found this video fascinating. Oh, and Lionel is often mentioned. That was my father's favourite brand when he was a kid.

Pain sandwich

 Ma mère a acheté ce pain sandwich pour le dîner d'hier chez nous. Ce qui n'a pas fait l'affaire de tout le monde: mon frère PJ déteste les pains sandwiches. Moi, ce n'est que la partie avec du jambon que je n'aime pas, alors j'en mange rarement quand il y en a de disponible. Mais c'est un classique de Noël, bien que ce soit un classique controversé. Et vous, pour ou contre le pain sandwich?

Monday, 23 December 2024

The family's Christmas Tree

 I shared it in a post in French yesterday, but here it is today, night time version. My parents' Christmas tree. With the train and the Christmas village at its foot. The greatest Christmas tree. Wolfie and I really want to go there next year.

"J'ai dans la tête un vieux sapin..."

Vous savez le reste de 23 Décembre de Beau Dommage. LA chanson québécoise de Noël et LA chanson de Noël nostalgique en ce qui me concerne. Je la partage à chaque année, bien entendu.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

The end of Christmas movies?

 I recently read in The Independent an article titled What Killed the Christmas Movie?. About, well, the end of new quality and/or successful Christmas films. Apparently, there aren't so many, if any. It struck me that, yes, the Christmas movies I watch mostly date back from a few decades. The most recent ones must have been from 1999. Then again, most of the so-called Christmas films I watch usually only have the season as a backdrop. I don't really like romcoms in general, whatever the time and setting of them. But I digress. In any case, I was wondering what you thought about it. And one thing I would like to add, is that whileI don't watch "new" Christmas movies, I discovered and enjoyed plenty of "Christmas ceentered" tv series in the last few years. Maybe this is the new trend: Christmas dramas.

L'arbre de Noël, 2024

Mes frères et mes neveux sont chez nos parents (et leurs grand-parents) depuis hier. Le sapin familial est donc monté et je partage une photo ici. Wolfie et moi nous aimerions y être.

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Three Wise Men

 'Tis the season to be reading. Tonight's reading suggestion for Yuletide: Three Wise Men, by Carol Ann Duffy. Illustrations by Julia Klenovsky. It is of course her annual Christmas poem. A poem that is in fact a dream like tale. Or rather, three tales, told by three people (the Three Wise Men of the title), to a Traveler, on the twelfth night of Christmas. The Traveller (and the reader) has to decide which tale is true. There's wassail, miracle soup, there's also the Twelve Days of Christmas, told with the sincerity of a true story. I enjoyed it, although maybe not as much as her last two ones. But then again, maybe it is too fresh in my mind. But it's still a quality tale in verse and, well, I also happen to have purchased a signed copy. Which is always nice.


Mon frère PJ a pris cette photo hier en traversant le Parc pour se rendre chez mes parents. Au moins ça a l'air de l'hiver. Enfin bref, ils auront un Noël blanc, les chanceux, touchons du bois. Et c'est le solstice d'hiver aujourd'hui.

Friday, 20 December 2024

Piz Gloria exists

 'Tis the season to be... spying? Those who have been following this blog for a while may know that one of my favourite James Bond novels and one of my favourite Christmas novels (as in, set during Christmas) is  of On Her Majesty's Secret Service . I try to revisit it every year, not read the full thing, but some chapters from it, just to get me in a darker seasonal mood. Anyway, I was reminded recently that Piz Gloria, the headquarters of Blofeld in both the book and the film, does exist. They even have an official website. Okay, so it was constructed with the help of the movie's funding, and thus did not exist when Ian Fleming wrote his novel, but still. I hope I can go there one day, on a Bondian pilgrimage. Probably not during Christmastime, but one can dream.

Les vertus des pâtés à la viande

Photo prise par mes parents des stocks de pâtés à la viande qu'ils ont fait cette année. J'y pensais parce que mon fils me disait ce soir qu'il n'aime pas vraiment le repas de Noël, avec la dinde et tout. Mais il a beaucoup aimé les pâtés à la viande les deux fois où il a célébré Noël au Québec. Avec beaucoup de ketchup, bien entendu. Mais ça m'a fait penser qu'au Québec, il aimait le repas du réveillon et les repas traditionnels de Noël, grâce aux pâtés à la viande. Alors voilà: les pâtés à la viande ont notamment cette vertu qu'ils rendent les repas de Noël plus agréables pour mon fils.

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Mariä Wiegenlied (sung by Golda Schultz)

It struck me recently that I don't put enough Christmas music in this blog since the beginning of December. So here is the (maybe) lesser known Mariä Wiegenlied, sung by South African soprano Golda Schultz. Hope you enjoy.

Compter les moutons

 Photo de la crèche prise par ma mère à ma demande. Elle m'a dit qu'elle ne savait toujours pas combien de moutons ils avaient accumulé au fil des années. Et il m'est venu à l'esprit que compter les moutons, c'est ce que l'on fait tous pour essayer de passer au travers les jours avant Noël. Mon fils compte les moutons pour dormir, je compte les moutons pour domir, je compte les jours d'ici aux vacances. Demain, c'est la dernière journée d'école pour mon fils. Demi-journée en fait. Et mon dernier jour de travail d'ici aux vacances des Fêtes. Et il est temps que ça arrive.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

The Bookshop's Christmas Window

 'Tis the season to be reading and it also means bookshopping. Every time I go downtown, I try to stop at the local bookshop. I have mostly behaved, but I did stop all the same, if only to enjoy the seasonal atmosphere so unique to bookshops come Christmastime. I took a picture of one of its windows. Not as elaborate as other bookshops I know, you can only see the snowflakes, but it's nice all the same. If only it was real snow...

Spirou pour Noël

 Petit billet souvenir des Noëls de jadis. Enfant, j'adorais la série de bande dessinée Spirou et Fantasio. Je n'avais pas beaucoup d'albums, allez savoir pourquoi, en fait la plupart des albums que je lisais étaient empruntés à la bibliothèque de l'école. C'est une série que j'aimerais bien revisiter. Enfin bref, je me souvient d'un Noël, 87 je crois, nous avions reçu plusieurs albums, dont Virus. L'histoire est banale, un genre de techno thriller avec l'humour bon enfant propre à Spirou, avec un peu moins de la naïveté charmante des albums précédents. Mais c'est une bédé parfaite pour Noël, d'abord parce que ça se passe l'hiver, ensuite parce que le gros de l'action se passe en Antarctique. Enfin bref, je crois que c'est un ouvrage à revisiter ces temps-ci.

Monday, 16 December 2024

Black Doves for Christmas(!)

 'Tis the season to be watching and I am not into soppy, sentimental and sugary romcoms. So what is a man to do when he wants to watch something seasonal, but not the usual romantic comedies? Well, he goes for somethign dark, violent, yet set during Yuletide. Recently, I found on Netflix a British spy thriller, called Black Doves, which fits the bill perfectly. The story is utterly unbelievable and frankly at times ridiculous, yet it keeps me entertained and I like the atesthetic if nothing else. Because let's face it, for all its flaws, you can't go wrong with blood, guns and Christmas decorations in the background. I say background, but not really. The show's creators certainly pushed the Christmas aspect to eleven: it's everywhere. They know there is a sub-genre of crime, spy and action thrillers set during Yuletide and viewers eager to watch it. And I'm not complaining.

La crèche (et un pianiste)

 Ma mère m'a envoyé des photos de la crèche familiale. Remarquez un anachronisme: un enfant de choeur pianiste. Acheté lors de notre premier voyage en Angleterre à la Cathédrale Saint Paul. Drôle d'endroit (et d'époque!) pour mettre un pianiste.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Radio Times ('tis the season to be watching)

 'Tis the season to be watching, fa, la, la, lala. Yesterday, I went to the show and saw the Christmas' Radio Times! I bought it immediately. I don't watch all that much television during the holidays, but I do like to take some time to watch some seasonal programming, I want to know what's on, and besides I enjoy Radio Times for its many articles and interviews. It's just a way for me to embrace British culture this time of year. We don't have snow during Christmastime, or very rarely, but at least we have quality television.

La Binerie fête Noël

Photo prise de la page Facebook de la Binerie Mont-Royal.Ils font un repas de Noël qui me semble fort honnête, en tout cas copieux: dinde, pointe de pâté à la viande (jamais mangé, ils appellent ça de la tourtière, la honte), ragoût de boulettes et pas mal plus de légumes que l'on nous sert lors du réveillon chez mes parents. Mais nos pâtés et notre dinde, enfin celle de chez mes parents, ils ont l'air meilleurs que ce que fait la Binerie. Quand même, j'essaierais bien une fois.

Saturday, 14 December 2024

The Christmas Steam Train

 We received this Christmas card from one of my wife's cousins. I feel almost bad that this card is so me and so Wolfie. My wife's cousin is the daughter of an engineer who loves trains just as much as Wolfie and I do. So yeah, this card got straight to my heart and it is already my favourite Christmas card this year, maybe ever.

Les bûches de Première Moisson

Photo prise sur la page Facebook de Première Moisson. Ils font aussi des bûches de Noël. Je suis vraiment trop loin parfois.

Friday, 13 December 2024

Kallikantzaros (Christmas Monster)

I learn something new every day. Concretely, Monstrum has released a video about Kallikantzaros, a monster from Greece, associated with Christmas. Because Christmas can be spooky. And what a cool critter it is. Anyway, Kallikantzaros may be a mouthful(it took me a few tries to spell it and pronounce it), but this is our word of the day.

Tourtière VS Pâté

 J'ai vu ce meme il y a quelques jours et ça m'a bien fait rire. Vous savez à quelle adresse je loge sur cette question, alors je n'en dirai pas plus.

Thursday, 12 December 2024

The Arctic Railway Assassin

 'Tis the season to be reading... And I got a freebie at the last Christmas fayre we went to. It was organised by Wolfie's school and I should not say it was something I got. Technically, it is Wolfie's. Anyway, they were selling second hand books and, as we helped tidy up and pack things up, we received a few of them asfree as a thank you present. Among them there was The Artic Railway Assassin. It is book 6 of a series called Adventures on a Train. But yeah, an adventure on a train, during Christmastime (I checked) I had to have it. Errmm, I mean Wolfie had to. We haven't started it yet, as he is finishing reading a book with his mum, but I think it is going to be next on our reading list for this Christmas. If not this one, then next Christmas.

Des bonhommes de neige en ski

 Quand vient Noël, je suis toujours à la recherche de décorations pour le sapin. Des décorations originales et de préférence artisanales. Alors donc, il y avait un marché de Noël il y a une semaine dans notre petite ville et un artisan vendait des ornements en bois, notamment des gnomes (Pères Noël?) en ski et des bonhommes de neige. J'ai acheté un des bonhommes, parce que c'étaient les plus mignons. J'aurais pu en acheter plus, chacun était unique. J'espère revoir cet artisan aux prochaines Fêtes.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Our Christmas Wreath

 It is turning inti a new Christmas tradition in this family: like last year, my wife made a Christmas wreath at a craft workshop. She says she finds it rather average looking, at best, but Wolfie and I are proud of her. My father always put a (huge) wreath on display outside the family home. I thought it would be fitting to have our own. It brings the Christmas spirit outside the house. And it smells nice too, as it's real greenery.

Les stocks de pâtés à la viande

 Mes parents ont cuisiné les stocks de pâtés la la viande pour les Fêtes. Quand vient Noël, c'est pas mal la principale part de notre alimentation dans la famille et ce, depuis l'enfance. Petit loup a adopté cette tradition gastronomique avec enthousiasme lors de son séjour chez ses grand-parents.

Monday, 9 December 2024

Christmas Anthologies

'Tis the season to be reading and I know I have not been giving any reading suggestions for Christmas as of yet. It's because I am only reading at a snail's pace and have been reading too many books simultaneously. One of them is Fill My Stocking, by Alan Titchmarsh. Who was in the news recently, but I digress. I struck me that, like for most seasonal reads I have now, my Christmas reads are mostly anthologies. They're not really demanding, this one isn't anyway, but they put you right in the Christmas spirit. The cover is quite cute too.

La bûche Lulu

J'ai piqué cette photo sur la page Facebook de la Chocolaterie Lulu. Je sais qu'ils font des bûches de Noël depuis au moins 2015, mais je n'ai pas encore eu la chance d'y goûter. Même lors de nos deux séjours durant les Fêtes depuis que l'on a petit loup, en 2017 et 2019, je n'ai pas pensé à saisir l'opportunité. Et je m'en mords les doigts. La bûche, c'est pour moi LE dessert de Noël.

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Early Christmas Roast

Last weekend, we had a family gathering on my wife's side. So her parents, her brother and sister, their respective partners and our nephew and niece were all there. We had lunch in a pub and it counted as a Christmastime gathering, so we had a Christmas menu. As my eife is vegetarian, I took this opportunity to have a traditional English Christmas meal. Not exactly like the ones of my childhood, but close enough: turkey, gravy, pigs in blankets and roasted potatoes.And some vegs, including Brussellssprouts, which for some reason is considered a treat in this country. All the same, I enjoyed it. First Christmas meal of the season.

Le Parc l'hiver

 Ma cousine Amy l'artiste photographe m'a envoyé cette photo du Parc des Laurentides. Je la partage, parce que c'est beau et hivernal. Noël a vraiment l'air de Noël par chez nous.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Christmas at the National Railway Museum

 'Tis the season to be... errr... railwaying? Anyway, I love trains every time of year, but I associate them with Christmas a lot, because this. My Christmas is never whole without trains playing a role in it. So I was happy to see on the Facebook page  of the National Railway Museum in York that they have a whole range of Christmas themed things in their shop that would make very good presents to yours truly. This jumper, for instance. So yeah, it is on my list.

Les rennes du Père Noël

 Nous sommes allés à un marché de Noël il y a quelques jours. Nous avons eu du plaisir, malgré la pluie et le vent. Il y avait bien des attractions, dont, bien entendu, des rennes. Enfin, je dis des rennes, je veux bien entendu dire les vrais de vrais rennes du Père Noël. Ils sont peut-être encore jeunes pour tirer le traîneau, mais ils sont bien quand même. J'imagine qu'il y a un apprentissage pour ce genre de travail: ils doivent non seulement tirer un engin lourd, mais en plus, ils doivent s'envoler avec. J'ai pris quelques photos, loin d'être parfaites, mais celle-ci n'est pas mal, quoiqu'un peu floue.

Friday, 6 December 2024

Christmas Books Guide

 Among all the things I have yet to do before Christmas comes, is pick up this freebie. I try to get my hands on it every time I see it, just to see what books I could add to my to be read list. We went to the local bookshop yesterday, Sadly I didn't see it. Maybe they were all gone, maybe I didn't look hard enough. Be that as it may, I hope to find one before long.

La Saint-Nicolas (et Saint Nicolas)

C'est la Saint-Nicolas aujourd'hui. Au lieu de partager, comme je le fais d'habitude, la célèbre chanson basée sur l'une des légendes associées au saint, je partage une vidéo sortie récemment sur YouTube, qui nous explique son histoire et son association au Père Noël. J'ai bien aimé.

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Mozart: Requiem Aeternam

Today, I take a short break from my seasonal Christmas post to commemorate am anniversary: the death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. As per a musical tradition among Mozart's lovers around the world, I will listen to his Requiem. I am also sharing it on this blog. It's been 233 years and I'm still grieving.

Bûche de Noël

 Ma mère a fait sa première (sa seule?) bûche de Noël et m'a envoyé une photo. Pour moi, c'est LE dessert de Noël. Elle est différente chaque année, avec des variations. Cette année, ce sont les sapins de Noël dessus. Trois pour ses trois petits-enfants?

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Christmas with Brio

 We put up the Christmas tree this weekend. Yesterday, Wolfie decided that he needed to build the Christmas village at its foot, which means adding Brio's tracks, trains and other Xmas accessories from the previous Advent calendars we bought our son in the past years. Sadly, he didn't want any this year, he just wanted one with chocolates in it. Then I saw that they made a limited edition this year, which looks gorgeous, and full of new accessories. I could have cried. My son does not know what he's missing sometimes. Because yes, I am totally not self-interested and absolutely not thinking about having it for myself.

La neige

 Photo envoyée par mon père de la neige au Saguenay. J'espère qu'ils auront un Noël blanc.

Monday, 2 December 2024

First Mulled Wine

One of the things I did to put myself in the Christmas spirit this weekend was have my very first mulled wine of the season. Because 'tis the season to be drinking. Nothing too fancy, it looked pretty bare in fact, no orange, no elegant cup or mug. But it tasted good. There was a local Christmas fayre and a stand that was selling it, I had to have one, which I shared with my wife. Mulled wine is one of the few alcohols she genuinely loves. So yeah, it warmed us up while Wolfie was queing to see Santa.

Observations sur les calendriers de l'Avent

J'ai vu ce calendrier de l'Avent à M&S, mais je ne l'ai pas acheté, hélas. Ma femme en avait déjà acheté d'autres, un pour chaque membre de la famille. Avec des chocolats, bien entendu. Cela dit, j'aimerais parfois en avoir avec d'autres choses. Comme, mettons, un polar, comme l'an dernier. Je discutais de cela avec mon frère PJ hier: nous nous rappelions comment nous avons commencé à avoir des calendriers de l'Avent. C'était dans les années 80, quand ils recommençaient à être populaires. À l'école, nous en avions des religieux, mais nos parents en avaient acheté qui avaient des bébelles en plastique cheap à chaque jour. Et un chocolat à un moment donné, qui était lui aussi dégueulasse. Ces calendriers ont fait place à ceux plus connus maintenant. Mais ce que j'aime dans celui-ci, c'est la couverture festive et élégante. Et puis, c'est cute un ours à Noël. J'espère que je reverrai Spencer l'Avent prochain.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Choose Bookshops This Christmas

Today is the first day of December, so it's officially Advent, Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat and 'tis the season to be reading. So I would like to ask you all to purchase the books you will buy as presents for your loved ones or yourself in bookshops, preferably local ones. I took this image from ted by Books Are My Bag, which promotes this every year here. I think they hit the mark with that one, big time. I should myself make a few seasonal reading suggestions in the following days and weeks.

La Marche des Rois

De bon matin j'ai rencontré le train
De trois grands Rois qui allaient en voyage,
De bon matin j'ai rencontré le train
De trois grands Rois dessus le grand chemin.

Nous sommes le premier jour de l'Avent, c'est une tradition sur ce blogue de mettre sur ce blogue une version La marche des rois. Sans doute mon cantique préféré.

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Aquila on Vikings

There's something aout being a parent I did not expect: it means that Wolfie receives more and better mail than me. So yeah, the postman came a few days ago and lo and behold, there was one big envelope in the mail: December's issue of Aquila, the magazine of "big ideas for inquisitive kids". This month's topic is... Vikings. In case you hadn't noticed looking at the gorgeous cover. Also, incidentally, or maybe it's fate, Wolfie's new obsession, because it's their topic at school. I associate Norse mythology with Christmas, because, well, this is pretty much where all its imagery and tropes come from anyway. So this issue is all the more fitting. Wolfie is already reading it eagerly.

La neige au Saguenay

Mon père m'a envoyé des photos de la neige qui est tombée au Saguenay. C'est vraiment l'hiver...

Thursday, 28 November 2024

The Marlow Christmas/Winter Bookmark

As you may know, I sort of collect bookmarks. I collect books too, of course. But anyway, I love buying or finding bookmarks (as they are often free) for different occasions and use them for different occasions too. So last time we went to Marlow, a picturesque little town, I found this seasonal bookmark, which I bought immediately. It's rare to see a single English town that looks that snowy during Christmastime, but if there was snow over Marlow, it would very likely look like this. It just puts you in the mood for the season. I haven't decided yet of the first book I will use it on (your suggestions are welcome). But all the same, I have a cool new bookmark for Christmas.

Les stocks de beignes

Petite annonce: mes parents ont fait des beignes pour les Fêtes. Je ne sais pas combien de recettes, mais ça devrait faire des heureux dans ma famille. Les beignes, c'est le dessert de Noël chez nous.