Sunday, 29 December 2024

Gifts from the National Railway Museum

You may remember that I blogged about the stuff  the National Railway Museum in York sold for Christmas. Well, I got spoiled this year by Santa, or rather Mrs Claus (AKA my wife). This Christmas has been for me very much train themed. I mean, even more than usual, at least when it comes to presents: I got the NRM's Christmas jumper, Christmas scarf and Christmas socks, as well as some other train related but not Christmas related items, which I will blog about in the coming days. I have been wearing the jumper since the 25th and my only regret is that I will soon have to put it in a drawer until next December. But I finally have a proper Christmas jumper.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You hit the railway jackpot!

Lady M said...

How fun is that? Mrs. Claus certainly came through this year.