Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone! One of my favourite holidays since I reached adult age. Because it is drinking time and because it is Irish. Now that I am a father I cannot drink nearly as much as I used to on the day, so instead I read Irish related works. I have a literary Saint Paddy's, so to speak. The Twitter account of the Irwell Edition shared this picture recently and I think I will try to get my hands on this book for next year. The preface is by Anthony Burgess, my favourite author and incidentally half Irish on his father's side. I think he could almost be considered an Irish writer. I would buy it for the preface alone, but also I think I really need to read more Irish authors. Because there is far more to Ireland than whiskey and beer.
Just Do It
2 days ago
Happy St Paddy's Day!
Oh but surely you'll have a small Guinness today?
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