Monday, 2 September 2019

"BANDITS at 12 o'clock"

The treasure one can find among the bookshelves of a house. So checking among the rather large library of my parents-in-law, I found this book: Commando: Bandits at 12 o'clock. An anthology from the Commando comic book magazine of "the 12 best air-combat commando books ever". I didn't even know this was a genre, or a sub-genre. War stories, yes sure, but air-combat commando stories? That is completely new to me. I might sound ironic, but I am actually very curious about this book, which is as you can imagine a doorstop. I can tell this belongs to my father-in-law. And I intend to borrow it from him on my next visit.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"How ripping" is what I imagine Brits would say.