Tuesday 10 November 2015

The worst winter in years is coming?

This is what I read recently in an article from the Bucks Free Press. Apparently, some meteorologists claim that this coming winter is going to be very cold and very snowy and overall extreme. The people commenting are mostly very skeptical about it. So am I. The medias keep warning us about such big winter every year. Last winter we didn't even have any snow. I do want to see some snow and see it soon, but let's face it, it has been very mild so far. So the worst winter in years is coming? I'll believe it when I see it.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

we have had such a summer like fall that i can't imagine we will have much of a winter.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Apparently there will be a Super El Nino blowing in the Pacific. Western Canada will have a mild winter because of it, they say, but Eastern Canada will not. I don't know about Europe and England.

Cynthia said...

Yay ! Snow, hopefully we'll get a snow day ;)

Ms Misantropia said...

I don't know if I believe it. The times we've had really cold winters we've seen signs already in October-November, but it's a pretty warm November so far.