As this is (still) the weekend and as a weekend tradition on Vraie Fiction I am plugging a meal from a restaurant. This is the new discovery I made yesterday in
Bean & Brew, an independent coffee house. For the record, Wallingford is one of my favorite English towns and one of its appeals is its independent businesses, like this one. And because it is such a pretty town. So I had this classic delicious
cream tea yesterday afternoon, with scones, clotted cream and strawberry jam. The tea was from lose leafs, not teabags, from
Tea People, a company Bean & Brew advertise a lot. It is the first time I've heard of them, but I will learn more, because this was one of the best teas I had in ages. That means it was the best cream tea I had in ages too, because it needs to start with a good tea. But the food was delicious too. I could have eaten more, greedy as I was. So I intend to go back to Wallingford as soon as possible to enjoy the town and this new place.
sounds wonderful! The scones look lovely, I'm a tea drinker and really appreciate a good cup of tea!
how is it that clotted cream is not popular in the US? it is the best thing ever!
Very lovely, very English, very civilized!
@Laurie-They tasted lovely too.
@Jaz-I cannot remember seeing clotthed cream outside the UK.
@Craig-Civilized is the right word. English culture at its best.
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