Friday 31 July 2015

Blue Moon

So July is ending tonight on a full moon, its second one. Which means that we have a blue moon. As I had mentioned at the beginning of the month. Of course, the term blue moon always reminds me of this scene from An American Werewolf in London. I have to say, the movie never scared me much, but I loved it all the same. It is an amazing transformation scene and the special effects still hold up to today's standards. Tonight, I intend to read a few scary stories, maybe some about werewolves even, as I take this blue moon as the beginning of my officious countdown to Halloween. If you remember, I said to a child at the beginning of the month that I was myself a werewolf. And she believed me, sort of. My wife is spending time with her and her mum this evening. When I was on the phone with her, I told her to tell the child that I might turn into one again tonight, the girl replied, adamant, that werewolves don't exist. Not sure if I should be happy that she does not believe in them anymore, so won't be scared of me, or disappointed that she lost her illusions in the matter. Now she might not hesitate out of fear to tickle me. Oh well, we'll see. Anyway, happy blue moon everyone.


PJ said...

Moonshadow de Cat Stevens aurait fait partie du film si Yusuf ne s'était pas converti à l'islam et renié sa musique à ce moment.

Nellie said...

The blue moon gives you thoughts of scary stories! It gives me thoughts of romantic songs.:-) Blue moon, you saw me standing alone....

Anonymous said...

oh yes, lots strange wonderful things may happen tonight!!