I know this post states the obvious: it is the first day of September today. If it was not for its association with the beginning of school term, I would love this month completely. I do now, but did not used to. As I said before, I consider September to be the real beginning of autumn. I have to say however that it does not feel like autumn much. If anything, it feels less like autumn now than it did a few weeks ago. But one can see signs, nevertheless: the evenings cool off quickly and there are already dead leaves on the ground, although they might have fell because of the generally dry weather we had this summer. Maybe we have an early Indian summer.
In any case, this beginning of September it is appropriate enough as this officious beginning of autumn for me: I now read scary stories and I long for hearty food and comfortable clothes. I will appreciate them soon enough. And of course this holiday is now not so far ahead. So there are lots of things to look forward to.
We The People
1 week ago
September is my second favourite month. Enjoy! :)
I couldn't agree more! Lots of good and comforting things to look forward too. Welcome September! :o)
... it certainly does not feel like fall yet here either.. it is so hot, I can't believe it.. it is so hot all we can think about is cooling off.
Septembre déjà. Ce serait un beau mois si ce n'était des casse-têtes de la rentrée. Mais rien ne vaut octobre, pour mille et une raisons.
Somehow I knew this post was going to be popular...;-)
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