Sometimes life gives you nice surprises. Last week, we went with Wolfie to an activity centre. It was in one of the nearby(ish) big towns. The centre was a bit small, but Wolfie had lots of fun there. And daddy found out something he liked very much too: in the shop area at the entrance, there was a LGB train running near the ceiling. A single locomotive, but still. It gave the place an extra charm. I explained to the lady who owned the place our family history with LGB trains, a history that now has three generations. We had a conversation about model trains, she did not know LGB was such a high quality brand, only that they were quite expensive (that's why she has only one). I also learned where to buy their products round here now. Well, not next door, but not too far. So this locomotive alone was worth the visit.
We The People
1 week ago
It's cute!
i have that whole train packed away in my attic.
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