Monday 17 April 2023

Gold Divers

A few days ago, we were flicking through channels when we stumbled a reality tv program called Gold Divers. This is the UK title. The original title is Bering Sea Gold, but I don't find it nearly as good or evocative. We watched it a few minutes, five tops, as it had big machinery and this got Wolfie interested for a little bit. I don't know if it is any good, I find reality TV pretty rubbish in general. There was a lot of bleeped swearing in it. But anyway, what I liked about it is the premisse: the show is about, as it says in the evocative British title, people digging gold in water. Shallow water, sea and even ocean. Now this premisse is fascinating and I would say way too good for reality TV. Gold is one of these perfects MacGuffins and I am surprised that nobody thought about a story in a nautical environment with gold divers, who could be the target of brigands or pirates. There's room for a lot of drama there. I think I might just watch more of this show.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

They're always searching for treasure of some description on reality TV shows.

Alison said...

Gold diggers like panning for gold? I'm sure I saw something like that a while back on one of the channels. Like you I don't see what's "real" about reality tv. Blame the Dutch. They invented Big Brother and its been downhill from there.