I am sure some of you know this old logical game/problem: you have a wolf, a goat and a cabbage to cross over a river. There is a small boat to cross it, it can only carry you and one of the three. If you leave the wolf and the goat alone, the wolf will eat the goat. If you leave the goat and the cabbage alone, the goat will eat the cabbage. How do you cross them all successfully on the other side? The solution is simple enough and I will not write it here (you figure it out yourself). Now my brother found this webcomic with a very twisted solution, which is also cheating. He published the webcomic on his Facebook wall.
It is very funny, I have to say, however I cannot help but disagree. Why do you need a wolf? Why wouldn't you want a wolf, if you could have one? I mean yes, goats are useful, I find them cool and friendly, I love goat cheese and all. But wolves are so darn cool. My brother commented on the webcomic saying: "Logic is so not creative." This is not always true, however it is certainly a great unknown line, and I will end this post with it.
We The People
1 week ago
That brain teaser has always made me crazy.
hey, when I think about it, I'd leave the wolf behind too. I'm sure there are already more than enough wolves on the other side, just licking their lips and rubbing their paws together.
@Debra-It used to get me crazy too, when I was a child.
@Gwen-Oh, but wolves are so cool! And they are not dangerous to humans. Not as much as many dogs anyway. And this one is obviously tamed.
Guillaume , I was actually thinking of certain humans that have wolf-like tendencies... real wolves I like!
I would not dispose of the wolf, it's much too rare! I would rather throw the cabbage away, who cares for cabbage?
He cares for cabbage.
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