As I have been an avid follower of various blogs since I started blogging myself, I thought it was about time that I beefed up the blog roll to your right. I hope I did not forget any of them. I hope I did not forget anyone. I already mentioned a few of them recently, I will point out to some of the others. So you now have here:
-The Atheist Experience. I follow the blog and the show assiduously, I became one of their fans through Youtube. Pretty busy blogs as many people post on it.
-Ariane Sherine's blog, the one who started the Atheist Bus Campaign. She blogs only sporadically.
-L'Étrange cas du Baron Luisant. If you can read French and like old serials, this one is for you. It's a brilliant pastiche from an old friend of mine.
-Leigh Russell's blog. Leigh actually found this blog before I found hers. She also happens to be a published author of crime fiction novels, so I was very flattered that she comments here.
-Nuts and Reasons. Another atheist/humanist/secularist blog.
-Mozart's Girl's blog. There are never too many Mozart fans around.
-Orange and Black, mainly about Halloween.
I hope I am not forgetting anyone. Some random observations about the :
-The French content is distressingly low, only one of the new blogs is in French. Just like for my own blog (mea culpa), which is a shame as it is called Vraie Fiction. I think it is the result of me living in English for most of my life. English language has a power of attraction that I cannot avoid.
-Just like the way I blog, the way I follow blog is pretty anarchic: there are no central themes or topics to the group of blogs I follow, some are about atheism/humanism, others are about a very specific holiday or about various arts.
-I started blogging to and for my family and close friends, but it quickly extended. I sitll have a very modest readership (although I did receive some attention from time to time), yet I really feel part of the blogging world.
This Should Work
2 days ago
Ha! "Brilliant pastiche"! Merci!
Maintenant, mes stats vont aller through the roof!
Or not.
Ne sois pas trop optimiste: mon lectorat est pathétiquement modeste, le nombre de mes suivants également et en plus, ils sont à peu près tous anglophones.
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