Since I have been here, my father in law has put me to good use: I am the official translator for every text that needs to be put in French (software he is designing, party invitations, etc). Don't worry, I have plenty of time for other things, and it's the least I can do for being received with such hospitality (and I am not only saying this because they read my blog). I found the work sort of intellectually stimulating too: it's not as if I was translating Anthony Burgess, but it's still enjoyable to find the "
mot juste". Besides, it keeps my mind busy and is just a good excuse as any to use my French. I barely talked French since I am here, as conversations with the locals is often limited to things regarding purchases.
Cool! Good for you.
I was just attempting (with my high-school-level French abilities) to do a rough translation of a letter from Haiti last night for my mom. I'm very rusty :).
Your mom receives letters from Haïti? Funny, I have an aunt from Haïti, and a cousin who is therefore half-Haïtian.
Well, she sends Bible correspondence courses to people all over the world, and sometimes they write back. It's really cool
Yes, they are often very religious people (my aunt is not so much though). Faith is mainly Catholic, with officiously a bit of voodoo (fascinating little mythology in itself).
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