Question to myself: am I trying to create a haunted house (or flat)? Maybe not by ghosts, but by spirits/mythical creatures? Sometimes I wish this place was haunted, so my life (and this blog), would be more exciting. In a house like this, way too modern, I doubt there are any ghosts to haunt it. There is one Korrigan, but he had to be imported from Brittany. When I was living in a hall of residences, I had a Chinese neighbour and she believed the residences were haunted by all the spirits that lived in the cemetary nearby. She was a bit weird, telling us about all the encounters she had with those ghosts, but cool (she hated rats too). I kind of envied her. I have never been superstitious, but I always wanted to be, it that makes any sense. Life is more fascinating when it is full of monsters. When I was a child living in a new developing area of Chicoutimi, I remember walking with my parents in the neighbourhood at dusk and hoping to see ghosts in the woods nearby. I never saw one and now the woods are gone. I always thought the Victorian house I lived in Liverpool would be ideal for a ghost story, it was old, dusty, falling apart, beautiful, austere and close to a graveyard (and my bedroom was red just like in the H.G Wells short story). I'll try to write one some day. I didn't write it then, but we threw a great Halloween party there.
Wow, that's a long post! And all I wanted to blog about at first was Nimble.
Le concept de génie domestique et d'esprits familiers est ancien, alors ce n'est pas surprenant que tu en veuilles dans ton foyer.
Oui. Je veux en mettre beaucoup: des Korrigans, des gargouilles, des sorcières, etc. Ma femme va adorer. Il y en a beaucoup que je veux rapatrier de Montréal, surtout des gargouilles.
Guillaume, We are crazy about gargoyles here... We would love to see a collection of their haunting faces and poses.
when you get to know rats they are pretty cool... very smart too!! we have 3...
Notre chère soeur suédoise Janna aimait les rats aussi. J'imagine qu'elle les aime encore.
Gwen-I should not hate rats, but I have read/seen 1984 too often I think.
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