Anybody care for a religious song, since it's that time of the year? I am not refering to the Handel song from his oratorio (you know which one), but the immortal song from the immortal Leonard Cohen. There are at least two versions written by Cohen, but the original one is my favourite. The way Cohen mixes Biblical references with shall we say carnal themes is a stroke of genius. Many artists interpreted it, but none have the coarse voice of Cohen, which is perfect to simply state the words. This is poetry, it does not need an interpretation, just the words as they are, which have their own musicality. I got outraged when those wannabe stars at the X Factor sang Hallelujah. That was nothing short of blasphemy (Simon Cowell you filthy, worthless douchebag). As a mean of exorcism and hopefully a bit of epiphany in the meantime, I give you the original. This is pure, simple, bare beauty:
This Should Work
1 day ago
One of my favorite songs of all time. I know Cohen's version is the ultimate, but Jeff Buckley's is my personal favorite. I believe he has the ethereal power in his voice that carries the song's transcendence. It makes me weep.
I have difficulties to appreciate other artists singing Leonard Cohen, which is ironic since so many of them covered him. You just can't beat his coarse and deep voice just can't be replace.
k d lang's version is my favourite.
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