Tuesday 19 February 2019


I took this picture at the National Railway Museum in York. You must have recognized, even not looking at the information board, the Eurostar. It struck me recently that I haven't traveled in it for about five years, and that I did not fully enjoyed it the last times as it was for work. I must do it again one day, with the family, just for the pleasure of the journey. The Eurostar is a modern example of everything I love about trains: its elegance, comfort, its technological achievement. I still remember when they were digging the Channel Tunnel, back when I was still a kid, and how big a event it was when it was opened. And now it's part of modern urban life, one mean of transport among others. But what a mean of transport! I have only used it a couple of times, but I don't think I will ever get bored by the experience.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, there was just a thing on the news noting the Chunnel's anniversary.