I went recently in the local library. I visit it at least once a week, on my way back from work or on Saturday. There were posters about "The Creepy House" and the employees had huge stickers on them saying: "Ask me about the Creepy House". So, being a big amateur of horror literature I obviously asked about that creepy house. Of course they answered that it was a special activity for children, to encourage them to read. Which is great. However, being opinionated as I am on these subjects, I could not help to ask: "
Wouldn't it be a better theme in autumn, when Halloween is on the way?" And they all nodded and said: "
Yes, that's what we all thought, it was not our decision". I loved a good scary story as a child, in any season, and I even read
Dracula for the first time during summer, however autumn is the proper time for horror. Summer should be all about jungle and high sea adventures, Jules Verne and pirates stories. Even when I was young, I thought horror fiction, when enjoyed during summertime, was something to prepare for Halloween when you are longing for cold autumn evenings. And it was after reading much summery reads. I wonder who is the genius who had the brilliant idea to have such reading theme for summertime.
Bien que l'automne (et l'hiver jusqu'à Noël) est plus le temps pour l'horreur, l'été ça peut fonctionner aussi. L'horreur cosmique de Lovecraft par exemple, ainsi que les histoires dans des contrées plus tropicales.
Ca peut fonctionner aussi l'été, d'ailleurs on jouait à des jeux d'horreur durant l'été, mais je trouve quand même que si tôt avant l'Halloween, ils auraient pu choisir un thème plus estival.
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