I am still alive since yesterday, and still blogging, but that January feeling did not leave me. I am feeling all melancholic today, feeling that "pain that does not hurt enough" (come on, someone can find where it comes from, if necessary have a look at Shelfari at the right of your screen). I am tired, demotivated, yet I am still blogging, even uninspired.
A friend of mine chastised me gently for finding January boring. She said I should look at it with new glasses. Maybe she is right. I remember a cartoon program in my childhood where the hero, a little boy and his dad, were complaining after the Christmas holidays that the days were boring and that people should be able to skip everyday life and just go to the fun moments. Then the grandmother told them that if they were living like this, there would be no expectation and we would not appreciate special days. It was wise, but it does not change my current situation: I am in a January blues and I am waiting for things to happen. I guess I need to learn to appreciate inaction. There will be something exciting starting next month, until then I can always make things happen. I once blogged about it. I am tempted to say that boredom is not an excuse, but it is difficult (read: impossible) to go on a trip just yet. I will have to appreciate the waiting time before the exciting days.
We The People
2 weeks ago
Your blog posts about January got me thinking. I remembered that the month is named for the Roman god Janus. But I wanted to know more, and have since read on Wikipedia that he was the god of gates, doorways, beginnings, endings, and time. He apparently had two heads (lucky guy!) and that one faced the past, and the other faced the future. So the month is aptly named, and it seems that the person who gave January its name must have felt like you do all those centuries ago, as so many of us do. You are not alone :-)
I used to feel like you, Guillaume...always sad and a little fearful in January. But now, I get quite excited and look forward to it...I think it's because I've realised that it's just another month, really. And heading towards Spring! And of course, as I get older, I try and cherish the downtime as well as the up, as there don't seem to be so many years left!! Anyway, I hope you feel better very soon xo Rachel
@Anonymous-Thank you for commenting. I knew about Janus, but did not make the connection. I might blog about it next January.
@Mozart's Girl-I guess I don't like empty times and I find quite depressing that January is "just another month", way too far from Spring for my taste. But I need to learn to appreciate it, as you said when one gets older he has to cherish the downtime too.
I guess if I had to force myself to mind something positive to say about the month of January, it would be "out with the old, in with the new". By the time the Christmas holidays are over, I am SO SO ready to start a new year with new hopes and higher expectations. But even that wee bit of optimism isn't enough to banish the January Blues for me either I'm afraid! {sigh}
I won't officially perk up until the grass is green and the trees are budding. Which can actually happen in FL as early Feb., but usually it's Mar/Apr. Give me the Spring and give me the Fall!
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