English below, as usual more rewritten than translated...
Je me plaignais hier qu'il pleuvait à boire debout. C'est pire aujourd'hui, et on annonce des pluies diluviennes pour demain aussi. J'aime moins l'Angleterre quand elle est pareillement trempée (car elle n'est plus simplement humide à ce degré-là). Quand j'ai remarqué que l'on était vendredi 13, j'ai soudainement fait l'expérience de sa mauvaise réputation. J'ai effectivement l'impression d'avoir la guigne aujourd'hui. Alors je suis toujours prisonnier de l'appartement, prisonnier de la pluie qui n'arrête, n'osant pas sortir pour prendre un verre ou acheter de quoi survivre pour les prochains jours (bière, Pringles, etc.). J'ai commis l'erreur hier, pensant que le temps était plus clément et j'étais trempé au retour. J'ai d'étranges appétits de fish and chips quand il pleut comme ça, je ne sais pas pourquoi. Une sorte d'animosité envers ce qui est aquatique je crois: je me venge sur le poisson. Je l'ai déjà dit une fois ici: un animal qui ne peut pas mourir noyé mérite de se faire manger. Et puis les fish and chips descendues avec de la bière, c'est un remède parfait contre la morosité du tempérament qui vient avec la morosité du temps. Le pire, c'est que si ça continue ainsi les voyages ferroviaires vont devenir plus difficiles et on risque d'être prisonniers de notre petite ville devenue îlot pour un bon bout de temps. Misère... Si seulement c'était de la neige.
I was complaining in yesterday's post that it was raining like the end of time. Well, it is worse today and it looks like it is going to be just as bad tomorrow. I don't like England all that much when it is soaked like it is right now. When I discovered that it was Friday the 13th today, I suddenly experienced the bad reputation of that day. It really sucks, we feel prisoner of this flat, this town (because railways are going to be in a terrible state and train travels might become difficult), prisoner of the weather itself. Yesterday, I made the mistake to go to the nearest shop to buy some food, in 5 minutes I was soaked so much I think I could have drowned. So I don't dare to make the same mistake twice today, therefore I don't go out to get the essential survival stuff for British Flood: beer, Pringles, crisps, more beer. Of course I cannot hope to find here Boivin cheese curds, but crisps would work just fine. I also have strange apetites for fish and chips on days like this. Fish and chips, downed with lots of beer is just perfect to prevent from having a mood as grim as the weather. And alcohol is an essential remedy in such circumstances: how else could Noah have gone through the Flood on his (most likely) stinky boat? Eating fish and chips makes me feel vindicated as well: an animal that lives in water just deserves to be eaten. But it is raining so badly that I don't even dare to go to the local fish shop.
This Should Work
1 day ago
1 comment:
Ha Ha...his 'most likely stinky boat'! How true! Reading your post actually made me yearn for a good dark rainy day inside, and also for some yummy fish and chips drowned in Malt Vinegar. I haven't had that in ages and now my mouth is watering just thinking of it. I must go locate and Irish Pub soon! Hope the weather wasn't too bad for you!
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