For a few months now, my wife has switched from milk to, well, oat milk and various vegan alternatives. But it is mostly oat milk. Not so much for ethical reasons as because it's meant to be healthier. Now, she does not drink milk by itself anyway, but she pours oat milk in her coffee and in her cereals. You know how I feel about milk substitutes. Read this post for more details. Well anyway, I noticed something on one of the oat milk bottles sh bought. The brand is Oatly, if you are curious. Something that shocked me and left me speechless. On one of its sides, it says: "It works in tea". And no. Just no. Hell no. This is a lie. Oat milk does NOT work in tea. Real, proper milk does not work in tea. Tea and milk don't work together. Tea stands on its own. Milk, or any milk substitute, poured in tea, is barbaric.
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Tempête de neige
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
The Sad Ghost Club
Monday, 17 February 2025
A Railway Themed Birthday?
Presque la Relâche
C'est la semaine de Relâche cette semaine pour petit loup. Mais pas pour moi. Il est avec ses grand-parents maternels et je m'ennuie déjà. Je n'ai pas eu de vraie semaine de Relâche depuis que je ne travaille plus dans le merveilleux monde de l'éducation. Cela dit, comme je n'ai pas besoin de préparer mon fils pour aller à l'école, j'ai presque une semaine de congé. Je dis presque: je peux me lever plus tard le matin avant de travailler. Les avantages d'avoir une job qui me permet encore de travailler de la maison. J'ai pas mal eu toute ma vie adulte des presque Relâches: à l'université je devais souvent terminer mes travaux, au cégep ma semaine de Relâche ne tombait jamais en même temps que les autres. C'est encore un peu le cas aujourd'hui, j'imagine.
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Two guys and a gal
You may remember, a month ago or so I blogged about Five Guys. I have been curious about the one we have nearby and last time we went to the cinema we pondered about going there for lunch. In the end we didn't, mostly because there is little if anything that is vegetarian, so my wife cannot really eat anything there. Not that she like fastfood all that much to begin with. But Wolfie was quite curious about it. My wife explained the conundrum in these terms: "The problem with Five Guys and us is that this family is made of two guys and a gal and the gal is vegetarian." Which I found very funny and deserving to be a new great unknown line. Wolfie and I share a lot of things, but he got his wits from his mother's side.
Saturday, 15 February 2025
The 87th Precinct, in order
Friday, 14 February 2025
Amadeus for Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day everyone. As it is sometimes a tradition on Vraie Fiction, I celebrate by sharing some love songs and I usually go for classical with Mozart. Because nothing ever put love in music as well as he did, whether it was its ideal and idealised aspects or its more problematic ones. So yeah, here is one love duet that is also a duet of deceit and unrequited infatuation, with Miah Persson and Gerald Finley. This is taken from Le Nozze di Figaro. For those who do not understand Italian, there are subtitles.
Dites-le avec un chocolat chaud
Thursday, 13 February 2025
Preparing Saint Patrick's Day
Se pourvoir en cidre
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Arctic Explorer Ship (Lego)
Guille siempre!
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Forever Autumn?
Un renard dans la neige
Monday, 10 February 2025
The arsenal in crime fiction
Chevreuil ou orignal?
Sunday, 9 February 2025
A fox in the snow
Hello Moineau
Billet nostalgique pour ce dimanche,souvenir des fins de semaines de mon enfance. Quelqu'un se rappelle d'Hello Moineau? Une obscure émission pour enfants datant du début des années 80, je l'aimais beaucoup. Elle était amusante et irrévérencieuse, avec une grosse, grosse, grosse dose d'humour absurde. Il y avait une famille, la famille Moineau, autour de laquelle gravitait des animaux anthropomorphiques. Ils combattaient des adversaires aussi bêtes que méchants. J'ai retrouvé les épisodes sur YouTube, quoique je ne sois pas certain que toute la série y soit. Mais bon, on ne boudera pas son plaisir. Suis-je le seul à m'en rappeler?
Saturday, 8 February 2025
"Restless pillow"
I think I might start reading Charlotte Brontë. I never did, I only read one book from the Brontë sisters and it wasn't Charlotte's. So yes, I just learned that she once said (or wrote): "A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow". In a nuthsell, this is the very essence of insomnia. She was a wise woman indeed.
La Raisonnable?
Chicago Crime
Faux Cherry Blossom
Y aurait-il de l'espoir pour les amateurs de Cherry Blossoms? Non, pas parce qu'Hershey a changé d'avis, mais parce qu'une version québécoise de la friandise vient de quintupler ses ventes en trois semaines. Ca s'appelle Berry Blossom, c'est fait avec des atocas au lieu des cerises, mais c'est le même principe. et c'est tant pis pour Hershey s'ils vont perdre au change. Ils avaient juste à ne pas se fourvoyer ainsi en insultant leur clientèle.
Friday, 7 February 2025
Japanese Crime
Every time of year, or almost, is a good time to read crime fiction for me. Except between August and October, when I read horror. Anyway, I recently started reading Three Assassins by Kotaro Isaka. I last year for various reasons, one of them being that I have never read Japanese crime fiction. I am expanding my horizons. So far, so great: it's smart, witty, suitably dark and it has heart too. I should probably add exotic, at least compared to what I am used to in crime fiction. It makes me want to visit Japan one day. In some way, maybe I am already visiting it, through the pages of this novel. In any case, if I carry on enjoying it, I will read more Japanese crime fiction.
Olivieri (In Memoriam)
Thursday, 6 February 2025
Navy Blue Coats (a trend)
One thing I observed recently during the school run: it seems that about half the boys in Wolfie's school wear a navy blue winter coat. Wolfie has one, brnd new from last year. His friends have one, many of them anyway. And the younger kids at school also have the same kind of coat: navy blue, with faux fur on the hood. It reminds me of the orange coat trend of 2022. I must say, I far prefer Wolfie to wear more colorful clothes, especially on a cloudy day or at night. But this year it's all navy blue. Which is quite elegant, if nothing else. I always loved navy blue clothes, to my wife's great disappointing. She prefers more colourful stuff.
Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Take the Cannoli
You know where this quote comes from. Recently, WOlfie was asked in a homework to try Italian food. Could be anything: pasta, goat cheese, figs, olives, artichokes, etc. There was a list of suggestions, but I decided to be original and I bought two packs of cannoli. Because why the heck not. After all, it was an educational project. I had cannoli in the past, very rarely. Funny how the dessert is now associated with a classic movie.
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
"Wolfie, my man..."
My wife went to volunteer at Wolfie's school recently, to help children read. I envy her for having that extra time with him, and in his every day environment. But anyway, the kids were supposed to read a bit of a book, then pass on to the next kid so he would read the next few pages, etc. And whoever read the pages chose who was supposed to read next. So one of Wolfie's friends, when he had read his bit, said: "Now I will pass it on to Wolfie, my man!" I find it cute, and that's it really.
Passé la Chandeleur...
D'habitude je le mentionne le jour même, mais j'ai négligé de le faire cette année. Enfin bref, c'était la Chandeleur dimanche dernier. On a mangé des crêpes en dessert, petit loup et moi, et il a fait assez froid. Je dis ça à cause du proverbe: "À la Chandeleur, l'hiver passe ou prend vigueur." C'était un peu des deux, alors j'espère qu'il va prendre vigueur pour un mois ou deux. J'aime l'hiver et je n'ai pas trop envie d'avoir du temps trop doux, surtout pas trop tôt. Je sais, je suis bizarre.
Monday, 3 February 2025
Valentine's Day from the Bookshop
Sunday, 2 February 2025
Ciao Caffè Nero
Well, here's some good local news for a change: we learned that there will a Caffè Nero opening soon in the town centre. No, I am not a coffee drinker, but of all the coffee chains in the UK (not counting the independent coffee shops), Caffè Nero might actually be my favourite. I'm not sure why. Because it's pseudo Italian, perhaps? Because I always find something I really like there (see this post)? Also, it's oneof these underdog chains, not nearly as big as Costa or Starbucks. But mainly, I think I like Caffè Nero because I like the look and feel of their places, the general atmosphere. It just feels nice there. Anyway, many cafés have closed down in the near 20 years we have been living here, so I welcome a new one, even from a chain. So it is on our to visit list, whenever it opens and when there aren't too many customer cramming it.
Pâté à la truite
Saturday, 1 February 2025
Aquila and Sherlock
Pain aux trois chocolats
Friday, 31 January 2025
Farewell to the local WHSmith
Sad bit of local news: our WHSmith branch is going to close down soon. Now, I was never really that much into the business:it is meant to be a bookshop, but in reality it's a glorified stationary shop. Be that as it may, while I don't buy books there, I find it useful for everything else: presents, greeting cards, wrapping paper, pencils, the odd chocolate bar. So yes, that's not good news. Apparently, it may survive as a much smaller WHSmith, like the one you find in airports, so with far less choice. Except books, ironically. But I already have a local bookshop for that. So yeah, it's not great and to my surprise I think I will miss it.
Dernier jour de janvier
Je prononce ici une évidence: nous sommes le dernier jour de janvier. Comment a été le vôtre, de janvier? Le mien n'était pas génial, mais il se termine mieux qu'il a commencé. C'est dommage, parce que c'est l'un des mois de l'année que j'ai appris à apprécier. Je dirais même que je l'aime pas mal plus qu'un mois d'été, par exemple. Je sais, je suis bizarre comme ça, mais je déteste la chaleur et les journées longues, alors un mois long, sombre et froid, je trouve ça relaxant.
Thursday, 30 January 2025
Elmore Leonard on my TBR list
Les promenades en forêt...
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Ironic Weather
It's been kind of stormy these last few days, because of, well, this. So yeah, Herminia has given us rain, wind and even a bit of hail. On Monday, during the school run, it was pouring, windy and hailing when I walked with Wolfie to school. At the moment he walked it, it suddenly stopped and everything went calm. The parents were all dumbfounded. One of the mothers said how typical it was that now the weather was calm. I said: "Don't worry, when it is time to pick them up in the afternoon, of course it will get stormy again." She laughed. And I think it deserves to be a great new unknown line. That said, in spite of my pessimistic views, the afternoon school run was much quieter: no rain, no hail and barely any wind to speak of. Still, walking to the school felt like an epic journey that morning.
Flétan géant au Saguenay
Mon père m'a envoyé cette nouvelle régionale, qui aurait pu être une histoire de pêche: un flétan a été capturé dans le fjord du Saguenay. Jusqu'ici, rien à dire, c'est banal. Mais c'est un flétan de l'Atlantique et un flétan de l'Atlantique, ben c'est gros en tab... Et bon, c'est le premier flétan de cette taille pêché cette année. Je ne suis pas amateur de pêche, je n'ai pas de patience pour la pêche, ni l'habileté, mais je vais quand même donner une morale à cette histoire véridique. Il n'y a rien de petit au Saguenay.
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
PTO: please turn over
I feel terribly silly. My wife was helping Wolfie to do his homework last Sunday and, as there was no more room on the page he was writing on, she told him to write more on the other side. Shethen told him to write PTO, for "please turn over", so the teacher would know there was more written. And that's why I feel silly. Because I didn't know. I mean, I heard it, I had seen it, but I never pay attention to what PTO meant in that context. So yeah, anyway, PTO is the word (abbreviation?) of the day.
Porc-épic flou
Monday, 27 January 2025
Happy Birthday Wolferl!
RIP, Cherry Blossom (billet nostalgique)
Sunday, 26 January 2025
Stocking on Mozartkugeln
Guédille aux oeufs
Saturday, 25 January 2025
"Contessa, perdono" (Mozart)
This blog needs more music, so I decided to share something today. As it will be the birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in two days and this is just a good excuse as any, I am listening to a lot of Mozart. This is taken from the finale of Le Nozze di Figaro. I will blog more about Mozart in the upcoming days. It puts me in a good mood (and Wolfie too). If you find this time of year dreary, think that it gave us the most joyful of all musicians.
Le Palais Garnier a 150 ans
Bon, ben, comme le dit le titre, le Palais Garnier a 150 ans. Il fêtait son anniversaire hier, je crois. Mon père m'a envoyé un article/vidéo sur le sujet. Mais je le savais déjà, car je suis la soprano Lisette Oropesa sur les réseaux sociaux et elle l'a mentionné. Garnier, c'est pour beaucoup de monde qui ne sont pas amateurs d'opéra une fiction, un roman qui est lui même dans l'ombre d'une comédie musicale que l'on confond avec de l'opéra. C'est d'ailleurs à cause de ladite fiction que j'ai fait la connaissance du lieu d'abord, avant de visiter Garnier à Paris moi même. Jamais vu de représentation là bas, malheureusement. Avoir fait autant de séjours à Paris, et je n'ai pas passé une fois à Garnier comme mélomane. C'est malheureux. Mais l'architecture est magnifique, bien que faut aimer la lourdeur. C'est imposant, mettons. Il y a de quoi cacher un fantôme ou deux, mais je garde ça pour un autre billet.
Friday, 24 January 2025
Labyrinth (the beer)
I try as much as I can to drink products from Rebellion Beer, as it is one of the closest mocrobreweries I have from home and because they brew some really nice ales. And I didn't want to end January without trying their beer of the month. It's called Labyrinth and it is inspired by Greek mythology, like every beer of the month in 2025. I guess I will have to buy one every month. Anyway, Labyrinth is the kind of dark, flaboursome ale I enjoy and has a cool Minotaur on its label.
That Mysterious/Scary Door at School
Pour les amateurs de brouillard
Thursday, 23 January 2025
Black Holes?
Mafalda siempre!
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Foggy Nights
"Viking aux fruits"
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Lego Magazine
Amaryllis (2)
Monday, 20 January 2025
THE Blue Monday
Today is Blue Monday. Usually, I wouldn't care less. Because it's pure pseudoscience to begin with. Because there are worse Mondays than January Mondays and the first working Monday of January is worse than any other in the month anyway. However, not this Blue Monday 2025. This is a proper, genuine, bona fide Blue Monday,the Blue Monday to end all Blue Mondays, THE Blue Monday. There are two reasons for it. The first one, you can probably guess. Yup, the Swine is back. The other reason is that my current job sucks. And things are probably going to get worse before they get better. To a point where pretty much every working day for me will be Blue Monday, until further notice. So yeah, I'm not in a very good mood.
La mort du Cherry Blossom
Bon, ben c'est pas pour vous rendre la journée plus morne qu'elle ne l'est déjà, mais j'ai appris une triste nouvelle en fin de semaine: Hershey met fin au Cherry Blossom. En d'autres mots: phoque. L'une de mes friandises préférées quand je reviens chez nous disparaît. Ma femme aime les Cherry Blossoms aussi, les Cherry Blossoms ont inspiré un surnom (stupide) que m'a donné une amie quand j'étais à peine majeur. Le Cherry Blossom, c'est beaucoup de souvenirs chez moi, un peu ma madeleine de Proust. C'est vraiment une très, très, très mauvaise nouvelle. Hershey avait déjà scrappé les oeufs de Pâques Lowney's quand ils ont hérité de la compagnie dans les années 80. Mais mettre fin au Cherry Blossom, c'est cynique et mesquin, surtout dans un temps où on fait beaucoup dans la gastronomie nostalgique.
Sunday, 19 January 2025
The Orient Express Puzzle
Don Giovanni au Royaume
Saturday, 18 January 2025
Train Holidays
I receive lots of news reading suggestions online, thanks to algorithms. So an article from Euro News recently caught my attention, about the best train journeys in the world. Some I knew about, some I did not. If time and money were no objection, I would so go to one of these journeys for a holiday. Taking the train can be in itself a holiday. My favourite would probably be the Orient Express. But I am curious about Rovos Rail and the more I learn about the Glacier Express, the more I want to try it. I have been to Switzerland only once, and very briefly, so I would love to revisit the country. And I know even their ordinary trains are absolutely brilliant, so imagine the Glacier. Anyway, I really want a train holiday when the journey would be more important than the destination. And you, what of all these train journeys would you like to experiment?
Boudin de sanglier
Friday, 17 January 2025
To revisit Isola
"The city in these pages is imaginary. The people, the places are all fictitious. Only the police routine is based on established investigatory technique."
No, no, this post's title is not referring to our next holiday destination. I'm referring to the setting of Ed McBain's 87th Precinct series. Isola is imaginary, but it's a stand-in for Manhattan, the imaginary city being a thinly disguised New York. In August last year, I was lamenting that I hadn't read McBain since 2021. It hasn't changed, in fact I didn't even buy a new book from the crime fiction series. I want 2025 to be different, but I have a lot of books on my TBR list and I am reading very slowly. That said, I still hope to find time to slip one title or two from the 87th somewhere in the coming months, after I finish the next two or three unread books on my shelves. I mostly read crime fiction until August anyway, so I think I can find the opportunity.