Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Guinness: Out of Stock
La pie chagrine
Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Antarctica Cold
I haven't published a Wolfism in a long while and there are so many to share here. One my son said last year, which I thought was very funny: "Daddy, I'm cold. Not cold sick but like, Antarctica cold." As you may or may not know, Wolfie sometimes gets obsessed by Antarctica. Earth poles in general, really. And it reflects on his psyche and the way he expresses himself.
Bloquer dans les années 80
Fauda Season 5 Updates
You may remember that I love the Israeli thriller series Fauda, by far the very best series I saw on Netflix.What I love about it, apart from the display of Krav Maga, is how genuine it is, with characters who are almost carbon copies of real life ones and far from the Hollywood clichés and stereotypes of action thrillers. The lead and show co-creator, Lior Raz, doesn't really look like a leading man, as we have been used to see them: he is short, balding, he has a bit of a belly. But he plays his role with seamless authenticity, mostly because he has been himself in the same situations as his character. Anyway, I have been wanting a fifth season since I finished bingeing it, back in 2023. Well, it seems that my prayers have been answered: season 5 should start filming in late April, according to Variety. That's very good news. I don't know when it will end up on Netflix, but I'm looking forward to it.
Important VS Urgent (Mafalda siempre)
Monday, 10 March 2025
Stopping at the Travelodge
Yesterday, our family went to a walk. As we were on our way back home, we stopped at the local Travelodge. We had only seen it from the outside before. Wolfie wanted to stop to a hotel for a drink, for some reason he finds this very fancy and very exciting. Travelodge hotels are far from posh, in fact they are as functional and bland as hotels can get, devoid of any personality or atmosphere, but they still have a bar/bistro/restaurant. And sometimes, even a bland place can have its sort of charm, paradoxically because of its lack of it. Especially for a young child. I used to see it this way when I was a child, in any case, when the blandest café seemed so special just because it was a place to stop by. I suspect this is how Wolfie sees things. So we stopped there. There was nobody, except one staff member, a young person who might have been a dummy. She never once acknowledged us. In the end, we decided to walk back home and get a drink there. I felt guilty for Wolfie, as if I had let him down.
Chronique du lundi
Comme vous devez le savoir si vous avez lu mon billet précédent en anglais, je vais perdre mon emploi dans un mois. Je m'y attendais, ce qui ne rend pas l'expérience plus plaisante, mais j'étais préparé. Et je suis raisonnablement optimiste: je vais déjà passer une entrevue cette semaine et je sais que des recruteurs veulent me parler. Un autre avantage à ma situation, c'est que je n'ai pas à faire du zèle au travail, ayant à prioriser la recherche d'emploi. Et donc, ça rend les lundis moins difficiles. Aujourd'hui, sans dire que je n'avais plus la mélancolie du lundi, j'étais quand même de meilleure humeur que je l'avais été ces derniers mois.
Redundancy again
Well, I have been expecting it for a while now, but it has been made official last Friday: I am being made redundant again. And unlike two years ago, when it turned out to be a false alarm, this is going to be for good. I should be devastated, I am not: my wife has a permanent job, we are at a secure place financially, furthermore I have already started looking and some recruiters have contacted me for positions when I would potentially be a good fit. And, while it is not like five years ago when I hated everything about my job and my employer, I had been unhappy at work for a while, so it is time for a change. I still have a month to go through until I am officially unemployed, but until then I can focus on job hunting and not stress too much about meeting targets and doing reports and so on.
Un gâteau
Sunday, 9 March 2025
Wismar and Nosferatu
Halloween is a long time away, yet I often get in a spooky mood these days. I am already anticipating and preparing myself mentally. So I stumbled upon a BBC article about the city of Wismar, which was used for the filming of the original Nosferatu (and its remakes). Being a big fan of Dracula, which is of course the source material of the horror classic, I think I should visit the city one day. From the pictures I saw, it looks like a warm and friendly place, very quaint, utterly unsinister, but I guess that's what can make it eerie. I have been wanting to make horror pilgrimages in various places associated with classic scary stories. I haven't really made much if any headways, but Wismar is definitely on my list.
Plus sur DG
Comme vous le savez, Opéra du Royaume va présenter Don Giovanni de Mozart en avril. C'est une première régionale (rérionale?) et j'aimerais pouvoir y être, mais hélas... Je suis loin. Cela dit, je me tiens au courant sur la production, en plus d'en faire la promotion sur ce blogue. Parce que j'ai aumoins quelques lecteurs au Saguenay. Bon, alors, j'en ai appris plus: ils ont traduit le libretto original. Alors ce sera chanté en français. Je suis, je l'avoue, un peu dubitatif. Je pense qu'on peu suivre même si l'on ne parle pas italien. Et j'ai peur qu'on y perde au change. Mais bon, c'est quand même Mozart et mon opéra préféré, alors je ne bouderai pas mon plaisir pour autant. Enfin, je ne bouderais pas si je pouvais y être. Et c'est du 9 au 13 avril, pour ceux qui peuvent.
Saturday, 8 March 2025
Aquila on Books
"Parent épuisé"
Friday, 7 March 2025
Swordsticks in Carmen Sandiego
I blogged recently about the Netflix series Carmen Sandiego, which I have been watching eagerly with Wolfie. We absolutely love it. I also love how it mixes old and new tropes. One of them is the sword cane, or swordstick, as it is also called. It is used by one of the villains (well of course), an snobby upperclass Brit (well of course). I blogged in August last year about swordsticks, because I love them as signature weapons. As not so many people use canes anymore, unless they are elderly, it is not very much featured in modern fiction, so I was glad to see it make a come back in a animated series. Sword canes mix danger and elegance, often with a heavy dose of deceit. Sometimes, little details like this make you enjoy a work of fiction more.
Est-ce le printemps?
À l'automne, je considère que la saison commence avec le mois de septembre, pas avec l'équinoxe. En général, c'est la même chose pour le printemps: il commence avec mars, pas avec l'équinoxe. Mais cela dépend du mois de mars que l'on a. S'il est très froid et s'il neige (en Angleterre c'est rare, mais ça arrive), alors je dis que le printemps n'est pas encore arrivé et que l'hiver fait du temps supplémentaire. S'il fait plus doux, alors c'est bien le printemps, même avant l'équinoxe. Ces le cas ces temps-ci, à une nuance près: les nuits sont froides. La température se réchauffe en matinée. Morale de l'histoire: mars est un mois traître.
Thursday, 6 March 2025
World Book Day, 2025
Today is World Book Day, something I try to comment on every year on this blog. It's held the first Thursday of March. If you have a child of school age in England, you must know World Book Day is a big deal here, because it promotes literacy and education. Pupils go to school wearing disguises of characters, special activitiesare organised by libraries and bookshops, etc. I hope Wolfie comes back from school with a voucher, that would be a good excuse to visit the local bookshop at some point this weekend. Not that I need an excuse, mind you, but it's nice to have an extra motivation. In any case, happy World Book Day everyone and tell me how you celebrate it.
Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Ash Wednesday 2025
For those who don't know, it is Ash Wednesday today, the beginning of Lent. Back when I was a good little Catholic boy, it was a big deal. Now, it just means that Easter is slowly getting closer, yet is so very far away. I like waiting for holidays and celebrations, waiting for them is part of the fun, sometimes more fun than the actual day. So I kind of like Ash Wednesday just for that. But this year, I feel like Ash Wednesday is kind of dreary and gloomy, even more than when I was a young Catholic boy and it was meant to be a dark day, feeling as grey as ashes. Because it's been difficult at my job and Wednesday is often the worst day in my week.
Question existentielle (393)
Nous sommes le mercredi des Cendres aujourd'hui. Dans pas si longtemps, mais le temps pour s'y rendre sera long, ce sera Pâques. Mais bon, je vais poser une question existentielle:
-Que représente le mercredi des Cendres pour vous?
J'ai souvent blogué sur le sujet, mais je suis curieux de vos réponses.
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Starbucks' Matcha Green Tea Latte
This post is a warning for those who might have the bright idea to try something new at Starbucks. Because yes, against my better judgment, we went to the local Starbucks this weekend. My wife suggested that I go for something seasonal, instead of keeping it safe and just having tea. I don't like tea with milk, something they always add in their special menu teas. I don't like Starbucks much in general in fact, I find some items on their menu tolerable, that's it. But I followed my wife's advice, again, against my better judgment. And I ordered a Matcha Green Tea Latte. The horror, the horror. Never drank anything so vile. As I explained to her when she asked for a review: "I can brew the same thing at home. I just need to mow the lawn, then throw the grass in boiling water." Wolfie found it so funny that he could not dirnk his hot chocolate without spitting it. So I think it deserves to be a new great unknown line. And keep away from Starbucks and their Matcha Green Tea Latte.
Mardi gras
Nous sommes aujourd'hui le Mardi gras. Ce que j'associe à la légende de Rose Latulipe. Ou Rose Latulippe, j'ai vu les deux épellationsJe partage donc pour l'occasion et une fois de nouveau la couverture du Baiser maléfique. Dois-je préciser quel personnage arrive sur son cheval? Dans tous les cas, lisez mes Conseils du Mardi gras, juste au cas où. On n'est jamais trop prudent.
Monday, 3 March 2025
87th Precinct: a new generation?
Le Mardi gras chez les Latulipe
Sunday, 2 March 2025
Face to face with Carmilla
J'ai une confession à faire: même si je suis médiéviste de formation, je connais très peu de choses sur la fée Mélusine, à part son nom et quelques grandes lignes de sa légende. Elle est une créature associée à l'eau et qu'elle a des pieds en queue de serpent quand elle prend son bain, grosso modo. Et j'y pensais récemment et je me suis dit qu'il fallait remédier à ça: je compte donc y remédier prochainement. Pas seulement en googlant son nom et en cherchant sur YouTube, ce serait trop facile. Je compte chercher des bouquins sur le sujet. Si vous en avez à me conseiller, faites-moi vos suggestions dans les commentaires.
Saturday, 1 March 2025
Feeling (almost) Welsh
Today is the first of March, which you are most likely aware of. It is the Feast of Saint David, which you may or may not know about. Saint David is, as you may or may not know, the patron saint of Wales. So this is Wales' national day. It's a special day for me, as I truly discovered Welsh culture during my first year in the UK and I have very fond memories of the first of March. See see this post for more details. So yeah, although I don't think I have an ounce of Welsh blood in my veins, on this day I often feel a tad Welsh, or at least (and most certainly) Celtic.