Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Guinness: Out of Stock

It is Saint Patrick's Day in less than a week and I haven't really prepared for it. But this post is sort of about Saint Paddy's. Last Sunday, we stopped briefly at the local Travelodge. The place was empty but for one staff member, we thought about staying for a quick drink and a snack, but we decided against it, because the one staff member there was pretty much ignoring us. But this sight caught my attention: they were out of Guinness. Even though the place was, like I said, empty. Just like the barrel, I guess. This is not good. The Travelodge is maybe the nearest drinking place. It's nothing fancy and I never actually drank there, but for a quick pint on St Paddy's, it would actually be perfect. I guess I will have to either go further, or buy myself a can. Still, this is a sorry sight.

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